Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mynheerds106

    Final Reflection

    When first deciding to take this class I had no idea what to expect. I mean when you hear the term digital identity it is usually associated with what not to do as opposed to creating one. Therefore, I had no idea what I was getting into. However, after a full semester of exploring my …
  2. mynheerds106

    Everything Is A Remix-Talking 2 U

    by Everything is a remix- For this assignment I went a little nuts. The objective, to take some form of media and remix it. For my project I decided to cut a couple different music videos together. The only problem was after I had the clips I couldn’t find music that fit. So what do …
  3. mynheerds106

    Ds106 Radio show

    Audio Assignment: Created for DS106 Radio by Mynheer Carpenter and Kwesi Charles. This was pretty cool to create. The objective was to make a short program that could be played on the radio. I decided to go in a different direction from the normal radio program, so for our show we pre-recorded our narration. After …
  4. mynheerds106

    Visual Assignment: Supercut It

    This was a pretty cool assignment. The objective take a cliche from film and cut multiple clips into a supercut! I had fun with the overuse of rain in films and cut together some of my favorite examples. “Create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv …
  5. mynheerds106

    Hurricane Sandy Sweeps Through Inwood, Manhattan

    Pictures of the damage from Hurricane Sandy in my Uptown, Manhattan neighborhood. It was a crazy night.Lots of damage but luckily we are far enough uptown we did not get the Extreme damage like those in zone A. Related articles Hurricane Sandy Update ( Photos: 15 iconic images of Hurricane Sandy ( Hurricane Sandy: Disaster …
  6. mynheerds106

    Audio Assignment: DS106 Radio Bumper

    Audio Assignment: DS106 Radio Bumper So this Assignment was really cool. We got to create promo Bumbers for DS106 Radio. I really enjoyed this assignment. I instantly knew what music I wanted. Things They Do, By The Roots.This was a song from my childhood that inspired me to start writing music and prose myself. A …
  7. mynheerds106

    Writing Assignment: What’s In A Name

    by “Write a blog in which you tell us something, anything, about either your given names or your blog name(s).”-Melinda This is a story I wrote about my name. It’s is based on a true story mixed with a bit of, “I Wish.”  Hopefully you will enjoy my story. I’ve always hated my name. Well …

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