Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mysteez

    The final days

    CT101 was a very interesting class for me. I had never taken a class that is based on making your own blog. I wish college courses were more like this rather then based on a syllabus where you memorize what you learn in order to pass. The most important thing to me in this class is it … Continue reading "The final days"
  2. mysteez

    The real kanye

    I grabbed an image from google I wanted it to be very simple so I thought it would be funny to do Kanye West. I then proceeded and edited the image on the website “Triangulate.” It took a couple tries to really get it how I wanted because I wanted more of a blurred image … Continue reading "The real kanye"
  3. mysteez


    I have finally decided what my domain name is going to be and * drum roll please* its going to be named “Mysteeez.” I have an attachment  towards that name for some reason to me it just represents sass and style. I am very much into fashion, especially shoes!! I want my blog to represent who I am and what I like. I … Continue reading "Domain"
  4. mysteez


    I am posting this probably a little late but I have had a hectic week. Anyways, Hacking the panorama app was very interesting. We tried several locations around the school to try to be creative with the app. This includes a lot of running around and taking 10 shots before actually getting the shot you want. My pictures still aren’t perfect … Continue reading "IM KIND OF LATE"
  5. mysteez


    After watching Beneath the Cobblestones, “A Domain of One’s Own” I learned why having a domain of your own is important. Number one reason why is because you create your own personal space. Creating a domain allows you to create whatever you want on your website. She talks about how blogging helped her get through a rough … Continue reading "Privacy"
  6. mysteez

    Change is good

    The picture above is again, another picture of my cat. I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Anyways, I decided on this tutorial (Makeup your pet) because I thought it would be really fun. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I downloaded an app called “perfect 365” which you can use it to … Continue reading "Change is good"
  7. mysteez


    Having pets makes me happy. Here’s a picture of my cat with a E- collar on because my other cat scratched his eye. I came across this video on Facebook that made me really happy. Its a cat sanctuary located in Hawaii where you can go and spend quality time with cats. Tweet Share on … Continue reading "Gray"

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