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  1. newsjournalist24

    Final Project

    As I was thinking about this project did not have any idea on what to do it on. Some of my classmates gave me an idea but popcorn maker did not have any place to do recordings. So I asked my other friend who took the class before and she told me to record a ...
  2. newsjournalist24

    Daily Creates

    This is the triumph assignment Today i went outside to look at the snow and see how much snow fell around the city. I began taking pictures around my area, then I took the train to Union Square once I got there I began to take pictures of the snow. After that I decided to ...
  3. newsjournalist24

    A Personal Cyber infrastructure

    At first when I was reading this I had no clue what to write. Then I took a good look at it then I understood a little what the reading was about. I think the reading was interesting because it showed the other side of how people use computers and the internet. I found interesting ...
  4. newsjournalist24

    Blizzard 2013

    Today i went outside to look at the snow and see how much snow fell around the city. I began taking pictures around my area, then I took the train to Union Square once I got there I began to take pictures of the snow. After that I decided to go and check out the ...
  5. newsjournalist24

    Hello Everyone

    I am Omar Cintron. I am here to explore and see how CT 101 is going to help me in my journalism career.  Also I would like to learn a little more about how to use media in different ways by taking this class. Here is my link to flickr. Here is my twitter account . Here is ...

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