Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. nixmem

    Module 3 Reflection

    For this last project module for DGST101, my group (and apparently many other groups!) chose to experiment with animated GIFs. To differentiate ourselves from what other groups would possibly talk about, we decided to look at how GIFs help to display reactions, education, and art, tips for making GIFs, and…
  2. nixmem

    Good Luck on Finals!

    Week 15 Summary WOW! I can’t believe how quickly this semester in DS106 went by. I remember when we were making simple GIFs in our first assignment. I also can’t believe that it’s already finals week. Luckily, I only have to get through a couple of tests on Tuesday and…
  3. nixmem

    A Businessman Indeed

    Final Project Since George Glekas is a businessman, I was thinking, what would best describe his personality? Since technology is a large part of business, I decided that it would be interesting to show everyone what George Glekas’ smartphone screen would look like. There was no assignment for this already,…
  4. nixmem

    Glekas is All Business

    Final Project Going through the never-ending bank of DS106 assignments, I came across the assignment Post-It Notes and Grocery Lists (3.5 stars). Since George Glekas is a serious businessman, he always needs to stay organized! I wanted to display the post-it notes in a virtual fashion on George’s desktop computer.…
  5. nixmem

    Problems in Baltimore

    Final Project Work For my character, George “Double G” Glekas, I decided to create three social media platforms on which he will post in order to develop the narrative of my story: LinkedIn Profile Facebook Profile Twitter Profile The Baltimore Times This week going through the DS106 assignment bank to…
  6. nixmem

    Coming to an End

    Weeks 13-14 Summary Can’t believe we only have a couple more weeks to go! With finals coming up I’m both scared and excited. Godspeed to everyone who also have mountains of work to do. Below is some of the work done over Thanksgiving Break. Daily Creates Link to Post Final…
  7. nixmem

    Pyramid Industries

    Because George Glekas operates Pyramid Industries, I decided to use the design assignment Website Design to create a official web layout for the company. Since George in the show sold cameras, I featured the “Electronics” page on the layout. To create the layout, I used GIMP to add a header,…
  8. nixmem

    You’ll Never See Snoop The Same

    For my second DS106 Mash-Up/Remix assignment, the generator remixed “What’s the Meme?” with DS106-ercizing, to create this assignment (3 stars). I had to create a meme that also advertised DS106. My issue with this assignment is that I also wanted to include “The Wire”, so instead, I decided to create…
  9. nixmem

    Meet Gavin Memita!

    For my first Mash-Up/Remix assigment (ever!) I used the DS106 Remix Machine to generate a random remixed assignment. On my first go, I got an assignment (5 stars) that I was really interested in doing! The remixer wanted me to create an animated magazine cover, but introduce a character that…
  10. nixmem

    George Glekas’s Professional Background

    For my final project for DS106, I chose to use the character George “Double G” Glekas from The Wire Season 2. George Glekas is a member of The Greeks and the owner of Pyramid Inc., the front for The Greek’s smuggling operations. I thought it would be interesting (and highly…
  11. nixmem

    Meet Mrs. Brussel

    Daily Creates November 30, 2014 This daily create assignment wanted us to create a veggie friend for Linda Tatersmith. I decided to create a neighborly brussel sprout named Barb… she’s a sweet old brussel. December 1, 2014 A daily create error message? Done.
  12. nixmem

    “You need therapy and shit.”

    The Wire Sweded The scene that I decided to swede from The Wire was from Season 2. I’ve talked about this scene during my group’s radio show and am including it again because I love the dialogue in it so much. The scene involves Ziggy and his infamous Italian leather…
  13. nixmem

    Cassryn Jane’s First Year in the World

    For my first video assignment, I chose the Special Person Montage because it immediately made me think of how much I miss my niece. My niece, whom my brother and sister-in-law named Cassryn Jane, was my brother’s first child and the light of me and my family’s life. She’s the…
  14. nixmem

    Winding Down

    Daily Creates November 7, 2014 – Make a Sound Map Last Friday was a cold windy day. I heard the howling winds shake the trees and in an effort to avoid the gloomy weather, I stayed in a friend’s apartment and listened to music as I watched him play Grand…
  15. nixmem

    Carcetti, who?

    I decided to do my Video Essay on the first episode of Season 4 of The Wire. After watching this episode, I feel like the overall theme of the episode is learning. The street kids are learning who Marlo is and what the game is about. Prez is learning how…
  16. nixmem

    Women in Wikipedia

    Module 2 Reflection Our goals for the Wikipedia module were to learn about Wikipedia’s history, learn about Wikipedia’s processes for adding/editing information, determine the cause of the 91% male editing dominance on Wikipedia, and to create our own Wikipedia page with information. Jessica and Emily had the great idea to…
  17. nixmem

    Rest In Peace, D’Angelo Barksdale

    Inspired by Alison I was so enlightened by Alison’s READ poster as it featured the now deceased D’Angelo Barksdale. Throughout Seasons 1 and 2 of The Wire, I could tell D’Angelo’s perspective on his life and the game was changing. He seemed unhappy back on the streets, as well as…
  18. nixmem

    A Sketch of Grief

    Inspired by Lauren Going through all the old DS106 design assignments, I came across a really cool cartoon-like sketch. After opening the post, I saw that it was modeled after a screen shot from the The Wire. I think Lauren did an excellent job at sketching a shot from the…
  19. nixmem

    Time Flies

    Week 9: Get Inspired I loved that this week was so relaxed, and all about reflecting back on the work that all of us DS106ers did over the past 9 weeks. Wait… did I say 9?! It’s already been 9 weeks! It’s ridiculous how fast time flies by, and because…
  20. nixmem

    Teach Me How to Ziggy

    Inspired by Maggie For Design week, I really wanted to do the assignment called “How-To”. Before creating my own graphic, I decided to check out some how to’s designed by my fellow DS106ers. I stumbled upon Maggie’s How to Ziggy which I thought was amusing and hilarious! I love that…
  21. nixmem

    Jessica’s Speedy Photography

    Inspired by Jessica Before doing my own Photoblitz assignment, I took a gander at what others’ Photoblitz assignments looked like. I was both impressed and inspired by Jessica’s Photoblitz. The pictures were taken with clarity and thought. I thought the picture of a demolished meal was a great idea for…
  22. nixmem

    A Mash-Up of Paisley

    Inspired by Brittany For one of our DS106 audio weeks, I decided to do the assignment Greatest Hits Storytelling that I didn’t even realize was created by Brittany! This assignment required us to create a mash-up of an artists greatest hits to tell a story. Brittany’s mash-up of Brad Paisley’s…
  23. nixmem

    WireBuyers Radio

    Listening to WireBuyers Radio For radio show airing week, I decided to listen to Wire Buyers Radio. I was so impressed with this group’s work! Content I loved all the different sound elements they incorporated into the show! This made the entire show interesting and kept the listener wondering what…
  24. nixmem

    That’s All Folks!

    You’re listening to WMAD Radio… Planning the Show We knew that we wanted to discuss the theme of corruption throughout all that we’ve seen of The Wire so far, but we weren’t sure how to turn that into a show. During our Google Hangout with Paul Bond, he suggested that…
  25. nixmem

    W-MAD (“Make Art Dammit!”) Radio

    Radio Show Progress This week, Stephanie, Brittany, and I finally named our radio group and planned what segments to include in our Wire-themed show. Brittany came up with the awesome idea to pull some inspiration from Jim Groom and call our radio “WMAD Radio” which stands for “Make Art Dammit”…
  26. nixmem

    T.G.I.F.B. (Thank God It’s Fall Break!)

    DS106 Radio Show Planning This week I opened a Google Doc for planning the radio show with my group. At first we were confused on whether or not we had to include the audio content we made this week in our radio show, but after clarifying, we started to bounce…
  27. nixmem

    “A Man’s Got To Have Code.”

    I decided to take on the challenge of the audio assignment “A Story of Lyrics” (3 stars) and use a quote I recall from the beginning of The Wire from Bunk. For some reason I found and used another variation of the quote (I guess the quote is repeated later…
  28. nixmem

    Reverse Blues

    DS106ers might find this easy… I chose to do the assignment “Reverse Audio Quiz” (2.5 stars) as I already had a song in mind to use. To reverse the audio, I downloaded an MP3 file of the song and uploaded it to Audacity. After selecting the entire song clip on…
  29. nixmem

    Overcoming Audio Editing Fears

    Building my Audacity Friendship For the audio assignment Create a DS106 Radio Bumper (1.5 stars) I used Audacity to upload, mix, and edit several recorded clips. To begin this assignment, I asked two of my roommates to allow me to record them saying “DS106″. On Audacity I recorded myself saying…
  30. nixmem

    Bench of Schemes

    Below is my logo for the Wire 106 group radio project! For the text colors, I pulled subtle colors from the screenshot. I took this screenshot from Season 2, Episode 9 of The Wire to demonstrate symmetry during design week and thought it would make a great background to my…

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