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  1. photolicious63

    The Cray-Cray

    Everybody has that one family member, who everyone thinks is weird. But yet they have to invite them to family functions, for they are family. This is the person that everyone says, Uncle or Aunt so is coming. So you know we just have to put up with them for this day. But what they […]
  2. photolicious63

    It Is Right Around THe Corner

    Are you ready for it, that is Christmas. It seems like right after Thanksgiving all you have to do is blink an eye and you see all the Christmas decorations have magically appeared. As if the Christmas elves came overnight and decorated the city. I have always loved Christmas, but through the years I had […]
  3. photolicious63

    The Beauty of Fall

    This is the actual beauty of fall the beautiful green foliage  turning into bright colors of red,  orange and brown. The further upstate you go the more beautiful the trees get.  And then after all this beautiful  color change you end up with this last result. The time tasking job of raking up all of […]
  4. photolicious63

    Gone But Not Forgotten

    Okay, so I am  native New Yorker, but one of my favorite football teams is the New England  Patriots. Call me a traitor if you like, but I like who I like. I became a Patriots  fan when Jr. Seau got drafted to the team. I have been a Seau fan from the time he […]
  5. photolicious63

    Early Wake Up

    This morning I was sleeping soundly only to be awaken by bright flashing lights. I head the trucks when the rolled onto the block behind my daughters house and immediately thought that they were the sanitation department. Then I realized that they do not have very bright flashing lights. So I looked out the window … Continue reading "Early Wake Up"
  6. photolicious63

    Our Veterans

    Last night I could not find anything on television that I wanted to watch, so I started to channel surf. I came across this program called “Homeland Americas Veterans. So I stayed on that channel. I already knew that our soldiers had a hard time coming back to a so called normal life. But to … Continue reading "Our Veterans"
  7. photolicious63


    Sitting here  in class today trying to figure out how to get a certain video onto my page. It was taken by my daughter of her two month old son have tummy time on this play mat that she bought for him. Of course he is fussing cause he does not want to be down … Continue reading "CT101"
  8. photolicious63


    I  know by now that everyone has heard about the VR goggles that Samsung and various other companies have put out. If you have not tried them at this present time, you should. They can be very relaxing. That is if you are looking at something that can be relaxing. Or if you are into … Continue reading "VR"
  9. photolicious63


    Has anyone ever truly thought about why they are here. I mean what is your purpose in life. Cause there are a lot of opportunities out there for us to choose from and a lot that we are born with. Such as some of us know from a very early age what we want to … Continue reading "Why?"
  10. photolicious63


    My life has been pretty fulfilling so far. I have done most of the things that I always wanted to do. But when I lost my job I did not know what to do. Except to update my resume and look for work. But once you lose your job at a certain age employers do … Continue reading "Yorkster"
  11. photolicious63


    I am making the title of this post “MBS.” For those are the initials of my professor. Michael Branson Smith. He has given me a lot to consider about my domain. Things that I never even thought about or even considered, he really makes you think about exactly what you want to do with your … Continue reading "MBS"
  12. photolicious63


    Murphy’s law is a popular adage that states that “things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance,” or more commonly, “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” A number of variants on the rule have been formulated, as have several corollaries. I want to change the name of this … Continue reading "Really!!!!!"
  13. photolicious63


    There was a time in my life growing up as an only child, That I had big hopes and dreams of what my life would be like. While going to high school and then onto college. In high school I was on the track team, basketball team and handball team.  And I was the only … Continue reading "MY LIFE"

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