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  1. PrakashSubba2017

    Vaporwave Gif

    I used Newhive to create this Vaporwave gif. I added the transparent stickers for giphy which matched the background. At last i added Japanese text by copying and pasting from google.
  2. PrakashSubba2017

    Newhive Gif

    Today i created a gif using Newhive. It’s really simple and doesn’t take that long to create one. You could make your own gif and add it to the background in Newhive  or you can simply download sticker from Giphy and add it your background image. After you have finished creating you gif you have … Continue reading "Newhive Gif"
  3. PrakashSubba2017

    New Website

    In last class we learned to create a WordPress website. Even though we were having many technical difficulties, we were still able to create our own website. It’s really cool and exciting to have your own website which could also be used as portf...
  4. PrakashSubba2017

    smoke effect

    Today I learned a new technique using GIMP. This one is called the smoke effect. For this effect you need a black and white portrait with black background and GIMP app.  You can watch the tutorial on how to create this effect at this link: Also you have to download the smoke brush in order to … Continue reading "smoke effect"

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