Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rybakc

    Edublame: The Higher Ed Shell Game

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak In my great state, today is the second day of “Common Ground” meetings between legislators, Regents, and university officials. At this event, participants will play shell games, pretending that the answers to easy questions are not easy. They will point fingers at ideological targets, as partisans must do by nature, and build […]
  2. rybakc

    ā€œThere is no more money for education!ā€

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak (Updated Below) This short post will be stunningly obvious to anyone with a sense of context. I’ve been reading Dylan Matthews’ Washington Post series on rising university tuition, which confirms what most of us have known for a long time: state cuts to higher education budgets have directly resulted in increased tuition […]
  3. rybakc

    Letā€™s See How Tenure is Doingā€¦

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak As all nine people who read this blog know, I’m interested in how we talk about things because that language, from where I sit, is equal to reality. Those readers will also know that I think we generally suck at talking about higher education. There are any number of reasons for this: […]
  4. rybakc

    Tenure: Whatā€™s Not Wrong With Higher Education

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak Many have made this point before, and I guess we’ll have to make it again: if your first stop when discussing higher education and cost reform is faculty, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Honestly, there should be a law against think-tank folks writing papers on higher ed, because […]
  5. rybakc

    Citizen Gates

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak That sound you hear is the buzz around The Chronicle of Higher Education’s article “The Gates Effect,” which examines what happens when institutions of higher education sacrifice input and influence for big foundation dollars. Responses have been predictably polarizing, with many pointing out that this is another example of corporate creep into higher […]
  6. rybakc

    Where are the Moral Arguments for Higher Education Reform?

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak The refreshing benefit of Oregon’s “Pay It Forward” proposal for higher education is that, for about a week’s time, people stopped saying “MOOC.” Conversely, the painful byproduct of the proposal is that it once again exposes our inability to discuss higher education in a way that doesn’t immediately privilege and protect the […]
  7. rybakc

    Achievement: I Wasnā€™t Killed at Work This Year

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak With the academic year now behind me, there’s a lot to reflect on. Here’s a sample of what I accomplished this past year in my professional life: I received tenure for the second time, published a book, won a student-nominated teaching award, laid the groundwork for digital humanities at my institution, was […]
  8. rybakc

    Why We Suck at Sylvia Plath

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak I can’t take it any more. In our current literary discourse, we simply suck at talking and writing about Sylvia Plath. The suckiness never subsides; it only increases, as evidenced by Terry Castle’s horror-show review recently published in the New York Review of Books. That review has, rightly, inspired a number of […]
  9. rybakc

    On Jeffrey Selingoā€™s College (Un)bound

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak As part of an “innovation group” on my campus, I recently read Jeffrey Selingo’s College (Un)bound. Our group met and had a very lively discussion of the book, especially in regards to how Selingo’s vision of higher ed’s future aligns and departs with our own. That meeting was weeks ago now, but […]
  10. rybakc

    A Good Wonder Woman is Hard to Find

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak For DS106, or “Digital Storytelling,” images are obviously going to be essential. If you’re like me, mastering Photoshop feels like an impossibility and probably something I should have considered fifteen years ago. Still, one skill I’ve wanted to acquire is how to extract images from their original background. With a little video […]
  11. rybakc

    Digital Storytelling: My First Animated GIF

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak Well, here is something I’ve always wanted to learn how to do: make an animated GIF. All the cool kids are (have been) doing it. It was mind-numbingly easy and could quickly become an obsession for people who are as immature as I am. I consider this GIF to be a metaphor ...
  12. rybakc

    Digital Storytelling 106: Daily Create

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak Daily Create 1: Write a 400-word story describing an event from two different characters’ perspectives. The sound of rubber on pebbles. On gravel. The slow crunch of tires turning. It’s the only new sound in a day of new things. I go to the library, check out a book from the third ...
  13. rybakc

    Taking a Detour into Digital Storytelling 106

    by Chuck Rybak/@chuckrybak Because I could write the same blog post here every day for the next month, regularly titled, “Why Do People Who Talk About Higher Education Know Nothing About Higher Education,” I’ve decided to shift gears a little and dip into a MOOC on “Digital Storytelling,” offered by the University of Mary Washington. ...

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