Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. shefa1997

    Galaxy Effect Using Pixlr

    Galaxy effect is really a cool effect and it is very easy to create using Pixlr. When I was scrolling through videos to get some ideas for my next project, I saw this effect. I was very enthusiastic to learn this effect. So, I took the picture of my fa...
  2. shefa1997

    3-D Effect Using Pixlr

    Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced ...
  3. shefa1997

    First Photoshop Picture

    I heard about photoshop a lot. People always tell that photoshop is really complex and hard to use. For the first time, I have used photoshop in my communication technology class last week. Though it was complicated, I have found it interesting. With t...
  4. shefa1997

    Place An Image In A Text

    After creating double exposure using PIXLR, I became interested to create something more with this website. So, I placed an image in a text. I took help from youtube videos to create this thing:  The videos that I have used – This is really cool and easy to do. Please try …
  5. shefa1997

    Double Exposure

    Last week when the professor showed us how to use Photoshop, I became really excited. I wanted to do a lot of fun things using that. But, unfortunately, I do not have photoshop on my laptop and the computers in the library do not have it either. So, I started to browse to find something online … Continue reading "Double Exposure"
  6. shefa1997

    Interested to learn

    This assignment is thoughtful and interesting assignment. When I have visited the daily create website and DS106 assignment repository website, I amazed by the creation that other people have already made. I started to look for the assignment that interested me and I found a bunch of them Sticky note animation:  As I want to … Continue reading "Interested to learn"
  7. shefa1997

    Experience and expectation from CT101

    I am a mathematics education major. Most of my mathematics and education classes are well-structured.  According to math and education classes, the definition of well-structured is, I have a syllabus from each class during the first day which has the name of distinct textbooks and has different numbers of homework, assignments, quiz, and exams based on certain … Continue reading "Experience and expectation from CT101"
  8. shefa1997

    My first GIF

    I use GIF a lot. I never thought that making a GIF is so easy and fascinating. I am a big fan of Disney cartoons, so I have used some of Disney cartoon funny scenes to make my first GIFs. View post on View post on

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