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  1. stephvelaz


    In my preteen/middle school years, I was very into classical music. Like any middle schooler, I was frequently confused of what was going on in my life. But, unlike most “normal” 13 year olds, I can honestly say that I was plagued with anxiety. From what exactly, I can’t ever…
  2. stephvelaz

    Catching Up

    It is so easy to get lost in college; not in the physical sense, but more the non-physical. There are so many things happening all around us, with all of our different classes, work from each of those classes, and even things that go on outside of the school environment.…
  3. stephvelaz

    Halcyon Days

    Imagery has always played a large factor in my life, and in the past years, social media has played a large factor in handing out this imagery. I am a sucker for aesthetics. I love all soft, faded, pretty things. I love foggy photos, sunny photos, photos where you can physically feel the scenery through … Continue reading "Halcyon Days"

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