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  1. stephysteffi

    Tutorial- Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel

    -How to Create a Highlight Reel- Try this project yourself, following the project link: STEP 1: Go to YouTube and view, then download (using YouTube converter) some of your favorite movies/clips of your chosen actor/actress. You can find stuff to view by simply typing the name of your actor/actress into the search box and clicking … Continue reading Tutorial- Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel
  2. stephysteffi

    Favorite Actor – Will Ferrell – Highlight Reel

    This project is as well from the  ds106 video assignments bank, it’s worth three stars. The assignment instructs us to create a 30 to 60 second highlight reel of your most enjoyable movie scenes from your favorite Actor/Actress. Try this project yourself, following the project link: -Will Ferrell- I chose Will Ferrell as my favorite actor. … Continue reading Favorite Actor – Will Ferrell – Highlight Reel
  3. stephysteffi

    Barry Sanders Highlight Reel

    For this week part of our class assignment was to  complete two ds106 video assignments from the assignment bank. For my first assignment, worth five stars, I chose to create a highlight real. Project link: The instructions for this project requests that the creator, “Channel your inner ESPN and clip together highlights of your favorite athlete, … Continue reading Barry Sanders Highlight Reel
  4. stephysteffi

    Magical Lights

    For today’s Daily Create assignment we were instructed to take a photo that shows “magical light”. Link to assignment: I believe there is a vast difference in interpretation of what is “magical”. What is majestic to one person can be viewed differently by another. The photo below I took about a week and half … Continue reading Magical Lights
  5. stephysteffi

    Bruno Mars Feat. Ronald Reagan

    This is the “Remix a Song with some Speech” assignment from  the ds106 Audio Assignment Bank. For this assignment we were required to take a song and some speech and remix them. It is supposed to be meaningful and convey a message. I picked the song “When I Was Your Man”, by Bruno Mars. However this version is … Continue reading Bruno Mars Feat. Ronald Reagan
  6. stephysteffi

    This American Life – Just Trying to Help

    “This American Life”, is a web radio show. It features stories of people doing noble things and stepping up to help, only to find out that others think what they’re doing isn’t helping at all. Follow the link to hear it yourself: While listening closely to this radio show I was able to identify … Continue reading This American Life – Just Trying to Help
  7. stephysteffi

    Do You Here What I Hear?

    For this audio assignment out of the DS106 Assignment Bank we were supposed to record glimpses of the different sounds that you  hear throughout the day. Using the program Audacity, which I downloaded for this class, I created about a two minute recording of sounds you would hear around my house in the morning, including to the … Continue reading Do You Here What I Hear?
  8. stephysteffi

    Week 3 Summary

    Week Three’s Checklist/Summaries: Summarize the key points you learned about audio storytelling from the Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad videos. From listen to Ira Glass describe effective storytelling, I picked up on some key points. I learned that story telling consists of building blocks. Such as, a story should consists of a sequence of events, … Continue reading Week 3 Summary
  9. stephysteffi

    Death Haiku

    Today’s Daily Create was to write a serious poem from the point of view of someone who is going to die and knows it, preferably in the form of a Haiku. A Haiku is a three line poem with alternating lines of five syllables, seven syllables, and five syllables. Link to today’s assignment: Death … Continue reading Death Haiku

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