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  1. taylorjacobs

    Vapor Wave

    I used this image I took of a mural I saw in Puerto Rico to create this vapor wave. I did it on my iPhone using the apps Professor Michael suggested, Ultrapop and ImgPlayPro. I was very surprised at how easy it was. The only challenge I came across was having to use multiple variations …

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  2. taylorjacobs


    I have recently acquired allergies (what a joy) and it is one of the worst feelings. It is like the Mucinex commercials where the gross green blobs of mucus are parlayin’ in your nose. Simply inhaling and exhaling sounds and feels like I’m the predator… Tweet Share on Tumblr
  3. taylorjacobs

    Whats Making Me Happy this Week

    I am particularly excited about the reggae and overall caribbean influences in music and pop culture lately being of Jamaican descendance myself so needless to say I was in love with Rihanna’s performance at the VMAs two nights ago: Tweet Share on Tumblr

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