Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. thanh76

    My Digital Stories Portfolio

    How and why is it important for you to tell stories?   Throughout my experience in our Learning with Digital Stories course I have come to understand that we all tell stories every day without our knowledge of doing so. Our daily activities embody stories and define who we are. Every decision we make communicates some kind of meaning to others even if that is not our intent. Our actions are how we represent ourselves and stories are used as a way to compile everything that we do. Stories help us
  2. thanh76

    My Digital Stories Portfolio

    How and why is it important for you to tell stories?   Throughout my experience in our Learning with Digital Stories course I have come to understand that we all tell stories every day without our knowledge of doing so. Our daily activities embody stories and define who we are. Every decision we make communicates some kind of meaning to others even if that is not our intent. Our actions are how we represent ourselves and stories are used as a way to compile everything that we do. Stories help us
  3. thanh76

    My Final Reflection

    My experience throughout Learning with Digital Stories at CU Denver has been one of both confusion and understanding.  When we first began the course I was not sure how to navigate and plant myself. Unlike my previous experiences, the format of Learning with Digital Stories was not based on a LMS or Learning Management System. Without this center of information I was confused as to how and where I was going to find and produce content. I’ll be honest, when Remi told us our course would be taken
  4. thanh76

    My Final Reflection

    My experience throughout Learning with Digital Stories at CU Denver has been one of both confusion and understanding.  When we first began the course I was not sure how to navigate and plant myself. Unlike my previous experiences, the format of Learning with Digital Stories was not based on a LMS or Learning Management System. Without this center of information I was confused as to how and where I was going to find and produce content. I’ll be honest, when Remi told us our course would be taken
  5. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 8

    For this week’s final chapter of Lanksear & Knobel, I spent a lot of time reflecting and comparing my own experiences with education compared to my younger brothers. It fascinates me how different our experiences are and how much education is changing. From our reading this week, I was immersed in Quest to Learn and how institutions are changing education. Being a big fan of game learning and wanting to know more about Quest to Learn, I began my research on YouTube. I found both educational
  6. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 8

    For this week’s final chapter of Lanksear & Knobel, I spent a lot of time reflecting and comparing my own experiences with education compared to my younger brothers. It fascinates me how different our experiences are and how much education is changing. From our reading this week, I was immersed in Quest to Learn and how institutions are changing education. Being a big fan of game learning and wanting to know more about Quest to Learn, I began my research on YouTube. I found both educational
  7. thanh76

    DS 106 AB: Motivational Poster!

    For my DS 106 Assignment, I chose to create a Motivational Poster!   I have always wanted make one, I remember they were a huge thing growing up until demotivational posters came out. I based mine on gaming, it is simple and the point! I hope you all enjoy!    
  8. thanh76

    Critique 6

    Critique: Machinima- The Druid: Tree of Life - (A WoW Machinima by Nixxiom)   In this week’s critique I will be using Lankshear and Knobels everyday remix practices. The three literacy dimensions I have chosen are as listed:   Machinima Videos: Expressing enjoyment of a game, etc Machinima Videos: For commercial entertainment purposes Machinima Videos: For commercial marketing purposes   Machinima Videos: Narrative development skills-9/10 For this week I wanted to critique a video with a lot of
  9. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 7

    For this week’s chapter of Lankshear & Nobel, I found myself most relating to a video from John Seeley Brown. In his video, New Ways of Learning in a Rapidly Changing World he discusses the importance of embracing change.  John Seeley brown discusses how students want to learn and want to be measured. From our chapter, social learning changes what students learn to how students learn. John discusses how students are self-driven in their interest and constantly seek out new ways to improve
  10. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 7

    For this week’s chapter of Lankshear & Nobel, I found myself most relating to a video from John Seeley Brown. In his video, New Ways of Learning in a Rapidly Changing World he discusses the importance of embracing change.  John Seeley brown discusses how students want to learn and want to be measured. From our chapter, social learning changes what students learn to how students learn. John discusses how students are self-driven in their interest and constantly seek out new ways to improve
  11. thanh76

    DS 106 AB: Replay Value

    For this assignment, I chose to do the Replay Value assignment from the DS106 Assignment Bank. The screenshot I chose was of a game I played when I was in High School. Now, I would like to think I have been a gamer most of my life, but Ragnarok was a game that was special to me.  I believe Ragnarok was where I began to learn the meaning behind online relationships and the complexities behind them. Ragnarok was a game I played with my real life friends, but also where I met a lot of my online
  12. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 5

    For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel, I found myself looking at my experience as a TechTA last semester. Being a TechTA for the CU Denver School of Education and Human Development, I am often assigned a professor to work with throughout the semester to improve their online courses. With last semester being my first time in the TechTA program I was fortunate enough to put into practice what I have been learning throughout my graduate work. Professors often tell me, they just want their
  13. thanh76

    Critique 5

    Critique: Machinima- PS4 VS Xbox One: Final Verdict 2013- Inside Gaming Daily   In this week’s critique I will be using Lankshear and Knobels everyday remix practices. The three literacy dimensions I have chosen are as listed: Machinima Videos: Expressing enjoyment of a game, etc Machinima Videos: For commercial entertainment purposes Machinima Videos: For commercial marketing purposes   Machinima Videos: Expressing enjoyment of a game, etc- 10/10 This video was created as a review for the PS4
  14. thanh76

    Critique 5

    Critique: Machinima- PS4 VS Xbox One: Final Verdict 2013- Inside Gaming Daily   In this week’s critique I will be using Lankshear and Knobels everyday remix practices. The three literacy dimensions I have chosen are as listed: Machinima Videos: Expressing enjoyment of a game, etc Machinima Videos: For commercial entertainment purposes Machinima Videos: For commercial marketing purposes   Machinima Videos: Expressing enjoyment of a game, etc- 10/10 This video was created as a review for the PS4
  15. thanh76

    DS 106 AB Mashup: Video Game Cover Mashup!

    For my DS 106 Mashup Assignment, I chose to do the Video Game Cover Mashup!   This was actually a really fun assignment, I just chose two games I loved when I was growing up and put then together! They are pretty obvious but I like how it came out for the most part, I hope you all enjoy too! :)    
  16. thanh76

    DS 106 AB Mashup: Video Game Cover Mashup!

    For my DS 106 Mashup Assignment, I chose to do the Video Game Cover Mashup!   This was actually a really fun assignment, I just chose two games I loved when I was growing up and put then together! They are pretty obvious but I like how it came out for the most part, I hope you all enjoy too! :)    
  17. thanh76

    The Daily Create- Basic Element Drawing

    Hi All,   I hope you all had a wonderful July 4th weekend last week, for my first daily create this week I went with the basic element drawing! This reminded me a lot of when I was younger trying to draw, I was never very good but I remember always being obsessed with robots. I would always try to draw giant robots using basic shapes when I was younger because I did not know better. Anyways here is my drawing! :)    
  18. thanh76

    The Daily Create- Basic Element Drawing

    Hi All,   I hope you all had a wonderful July 4th weekend last week, for my first daily create this week I went with the basic element drawing! This reminded me a lot of when I was younger trying to draw, I was never very good but I remember always being obsessed with robots. I would always try to draw giant robots using basic shapes when I was younger because I did not know better. Anyways here is my drawing! :)    
  19. thanh76

    DS 106 AB Design: Honest Video Game Covers

    For my DS 106 Design Assignment, I chose Honest Video Game Covers. I chose this one because I thought it was funny and it was game related! Most games can be deceiving from their covers, for example I chose Guitar Hero. When this game first came out I thought how hard could it be? When I actually got to try it, I was actually very embarrassed because I came in so confident only to realize the game was much harder than it looked! Here is my truthful video game cover, I hope you all enjoy!!    
  20. thanh76

    Critique 4

    Critique: Daniel Floyd- Video Games and Storytelling   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Content Understanding Originality, voice, creativity   Story: 8/10 I enjoyed the message of this story as it promotes the possibilities of storytelling in games. However, what I disliked was the lack of examples in how games can be used in storytelling. It
  21. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 4

    For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel I found myself looking at my experiences growing up. In this chapter Lankshear & Knobel discuss the topic of remixing and copyright. As I read the chapter, I began thinking about my experiences with media, gaming, and internet sharing. Lankshear & Knobel discuss the importance of remixing as a necessary condition for culture. An example that I found interesting from the reading was how individuals take an artifact and remix it into their lives.
  22. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 3

    For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel the chapter discusses how new literacies are constantly changing. As I finished the chapter I kept thinking about MOOCs and how they related to this chapter. What stood out to me at first was how the chapter discussed new literacy as ever changing and what was new one day became old the next.  However, what I found interesting was not the change in what information was being taught but how information distribution has changed. The access to education

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