Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 3

    For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel the chapter discusses how new literacies are constantly changing. As I finished the chapter I kept thinking about MOOCs and how they related to this chapter. What stood out to me at first was how the chapter discussed new literacy as ever changing and what was new one day became old the next.  However, what I found interesting was not the change in what information was being taught but how information distribution has changed. The access to education
  2. thanh76

    DS 106 AB: Video: What Do You Love?

    Hello All,   For this assignment, I decided to compile a few video games that I love. I am hoping some of the games you might know and some you don't! Also, the clip at the end just shows how big the gaming community can be!   Thanks again for all of your support!
  3. thanh76

    DS 106 AB: Video: What Do You Love?

    Hello All,   For this assignment, I decided to compile a few video games that I love. I am hoping some of the games you might know and some you don't! Also, the clip at the end just shows how big the gaming community can be!   Thanks again for all of your support!
  4. thanh76

    Critique Week 3-2

    Critique: Edutopia- Fostering Creativity and Community with a Platform Video Game   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed:  Story  Content Understanding  Originality, voice, creativity   Story: 10/10 I enjoyed the message of this story as it promotes fostering creativity and the idea that you do not need to know everything to create something. With so
  5. thanh76

    Critique Week 3-1

    Critique: Edutopia- Using Minecraft as an Educational Tool   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Research Sense of Audience   Story: 9/10 Having played Minecraft before I was interested in watching this video because I wanted to see how schools were using Minecraft in their classrooms. Overall, I think the story was well presented and had some
  6. thanh76

    The Daily Create- Pick an Opening Line

    Hi All,   For this week's first daily create, I was asked to read through 20 great opening line types and then create my own! Though, I do not know which category my opening line fall under I thought this might be a good opening line for my focal theme.   Many telling games are bad for me, but I tell them games taught me how to "level up"!   Let me know what you all think!
  7. thanh76

    The Daily Create- Pick an Opening Line

    Hi All,   For this week's first daily create, I was asked to read through 20 great opening line types and then create my own! Though, I do not know which category my opening line fall under I thought this might be a good opening line for my focal theme.   Many telling games are bad for me, but I tell them games taught me how to "level up"!   Let me know what you all think!
  8. thanh76

    The Daily Create- A memoir with Pixar Story Spine

    Hi All,   This will be my 4th daily create! I hope you all enjoy!   One upon a time, there was a boy who had a loving mother and father. Every day, it was just him and his parents living their happy lives together. But one day, his father put him on his lab and told him that he had very special news. His father told him that he was going to be an older brother now. Because of that, he did not know what to feel. He was both excited and yet a little bit sad. Because of that, he worried that he
  9. thanh76

    Critique Week 2-2

    Critique: Extra Credits- How Games Can Improve Our Schools   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Sense of Audience   Story: 10/10 As some of you know I am a huge fan of Extra Credit and their vlogs, personally I think their story was great. I enjoyed their statement of how it is not enough to incorporate games
  10. thanh76

    Critique Week 2-1

    Critique: Schools Use Games for Learning Assessment- Edutopia   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Flow, organization, and pacing   Story: 10/10 My rating for the story of this digital story is 10/10, I enjoyed their statement on how we no longer live in an industrial economy and have turned into a knowledge
  11. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 2

     For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel I found myself intrigued, confused, and inspired because a commercial that is oddly enough for whisky. During my reading, I kept thinking back at chapter one and the history behind literacy and what did literacy mean. However, in chapter 2 the literature defines “literacy” as “not some singular phenomenon but, rather, to understand literacies as multiple”. This idea of understanding literacies as multiple began my interest to understand how many
  12. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 2

     For this week’s reading of Lankshear & Knobel I found myself intrigued, confused, and inspired because a commercial that is oddly enough for whisky. During my reading, I kept thinking back at chapter one and the history behind literacy and what did literacy mean. However, in chapter 2 the literature defines “literacy” as “not some singular phenomenon but, rather, to understand literacies as multiple”. This idea of understanding literacies as multiple began my interest to understand how many
  13. thanh76

    DS 106 AB: Audio: Reverse Audio Quiz!

      I had a lot of fun playing around and choosing an audio assignment from the ds106 assignment bank. I finally settled on an Reverse Audio Quiz. I have reversed a song and have given you 3 hints. It is now your job to guess what the song is!   - It was released in 1989 - It reached number 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1990 - The artist was a beatboxing Alien in Men in Black!   Good luck all and be sure to comment at the bottom on what you think the song is! :)   *Unfortunately, I am unable to
  14. thanh76

    The Daily Create- See Beyond the Buildings

    This is my third daily create, so far these daily creates have been fun and interesting. Plus side is that these definitely do not take that long. I enjoyed this one because I think the nature scene is beautiful and thats where I usually find myself when I am out. Usually by a lake of some sort just relaxing! :)  
  15. thanh76

    The Daily Create- See Beyond the Buildings

    This is my third daily create, so far these daily creates have been fun and interesting. Plus side is that these definitely do not take that long. I enjoyed this one because I think the nature scene is beautiful and thats where I usually find myself when I am out. Usually by a lake of some sort just relaxing! :)  
  16. thanh76

    Critique Week 1-2

    Critique: Gaming can make a better world by Jane McGonigal   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Research   Story: 10/10 Jane was very engaging and pushed the audience to think about how games can make a better world. My favorite statement from this segment is “in game worlds we become the best version of
  17. thanh76

    Critique Week 1-2

    Critique: Gaming can make a better world by Jane McGonigal   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Research   Story: 10/10 Jane was very engaging and pushed the audience to think about how games can make a better world. My favorite statement from this segment is “in game worlds we become the best version of
  18. thanh76

    Critique Week 1-1

    Critique: Video Games, Learning, and Literacy by James Paul Gee   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Sense of Audience   Story: 10/10 James Paul Gee is always wonderful to listen to and his story was clear and engaging. James Paul Gee engages his audience to rethink how games teach, how students learn, and how
  19. thanh76

    Critique Week 1-1

    Critique: Video Games, Learning, and Literacy by James Paul Gee   In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed: Story Originality, Voice, and Creativity Sense of Audience   Story: 10/10 James Paul Gee is always wonderful to listen to and his story was clear and engaging. James Paul Gee engages his audience to rethink how games teach, how students learn, and how
  20. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 1

    My interest in Lankshear & Knobel’s work is focused around the idea of what is considered literate and how the word “new” is associated with the terms literacy and literacies. As I read Lankshear & Knobel’s work, what came to mind was how one was considered to be literate. In New Literacies by Colin Lankshear & Michele Knobel, they discussed a widespread of functional illiteracy among adults in the USA during the early 1970s. Lankshear & Knobel stated “This was not a measure of absolute
  21. thanh76

    Reading Response- Chapter 1

    My interest in Lankshear & Knobel’s work is focused around the idea of what is considered literate and how the word “new” is associated with the terms literacy and literacies. As I read Lankshear & Knobel’s work, what came to mind was how one was considered to be literate. In New Literacies by Colin Lankshear & Michele Knobel, they discussed a widespread of functional illiteracy among adults in the USA during the early 1970s. Lankshear & Knobel stated “This was not a measure of absolute
  22. thanh76

    The Daily Create-To My Parents

    Dear Mom,   I want to express how much you mean to me because I am not always able to. You and dad came here to America with hopes to make a better life for not only yourselves but also for your children. I want to express how proud I am to be your son. I understand that growing up you wanted to give me everything, through all the struggles you and dad have been through coming to America was one of the hardest things either of you had to do. To leave your family behind and to come to a country
  23. thanh76

    The Daily Create-To My Parents

    Dear Mom,   I want to express how much you mean to me because I am not always able to. You and dad came here to America with hopes to make a better life for not only yourselves but also for your children. I want to express how proud I am to be your son. I understand that growing up you wanted to give me everything, through all the struggles you and dad have been through coming to America was one of the hardest things either of you had to do. To leave your family behind and to come to a country
  24. thanh76

    MOOC’s they’re great!

      What is my opinion on MOOCs? I think they are fascinating and beneficial towards a world that is getting more connected on an everyday basis. What fascinates me is that people no longer have to sit through traditional learning and now have the ability to learn on their own pace. Yes, I understand there are negative sides concerning MOOCs especially from a business standpoint, however can education truly be bought and sold? I would like to bring up the Maker’s Culture because people are
  25. thanh76

    MOOC’s they’re great!

      What is my opinion on MOOCs? I think they are fascinating and beneficial towards a world that is getting more connected on an everyday basis. What fascinates me is that people no longer have to sit through traditional learning and now have the ability to learn on their own pace. Yes, I understand there are negative sides concerning MOOCs especially from a business standpoint, however can education truly be bought and sold? I would like to bring up the Maker’s Culture because people are

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