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  1. tiffjones


    My name is Tiffany Jones and as a CT major student I can truly say that Professor Ryan is the BEST! I learned so much in his CT class, and also took those skills and landed a job at this company in Manhattan. I feel really confident in my new and improved skills. I just […]
  2. tiffjones

    Inspirational Women’s Conference

    The Video Below was show with my IPhone… no tripod sadly. But the Video is just a quick edit of how the conference went. I Demonstrated how Mrs. Donyshia convey her story to the audience which was very inspirational for all women who also is moved to begin their own business.
  3. tiffjones


    This picture that I posted is of my mentor Latoya. I felt this was a pretty cool angle caught. Not only does it flow with positive , inspirational vibe but it also is portraying how great I took the picture. LOL

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