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  1. tjpeed

    Annnnnddddd Cut – Great Job Guys

    Well this is it. I think I have completed everything and now just need to wrap it all up.   Daily Create Here is the one I completed today. One of my favorite inanimate objects.   Created Assignments: 1. Special Person Montage – this was the first assignment I made and it came at a time […]
  2. tjpeed

    Splash The Color – Fruit Roll-ups

    Earlier in the week I completed Splash The Color for Fruit Roll-up Friday, a promotion for Wagstaff Snack company. It was relatively easy seeing that I did it before. First I uploaded the picture to adobe photoshop and then magnetic lassoed the area I wanted to keep color. Once that was done I then selected the inverse […]
  3. tjpeed

    Spot the Difference and Win Snacks!

    I completed the Where’s The Error assignment on behalf of Wagstaff Snacks. As a promotional effort he is offering FREE snacks for the first person to spot the difference in the 2 photos. Using photoshop I was able to change a small part of the picture but that is all I will say for now.   […]
  4. tjpeed

    Barcode Transformation Tutorial

    For this tutorial I will take you step by step through the process of completing Barcode Transformation. This process is the way that I figured out how to do it but there may be other ways to do it. 1. Choose the design and barcode you want to use. I used google to get a […]
  5. tjpeed

    Vending Machines Now Available from Wagstaff Snacks

    My second created assignment is Promotional Flyer. Wagstaff Snack Company is happy to announce the availability for vending machines. Wagstaff snacks will now be available for offices and other business use. For this assignment you need to create a promotional flyer for an event, product, meeting or anything you would like. Make sure it has […]
  6. tjpeed

    Splash of Color – Tutorial

    This tutorial will show you a quick and easy way to complete the color splash visual assignment. Choose the image you want to color splash. I chose this one. 2.  The open the picture in the  Adobe photo shop   Click on the magnetic lasso tool on the left. It is circled in the image […]
  7. tjpeed

    So Close I Can Smell The Ending – Week 13-14

    For these 2 weeks there was a lot of work to complete and although I had 2 weeks to do it I completed most of the assignments over break which sucked but I was too busy before break. First we had 8 Stars of Mashup Assignments: Inappropriate Laughter – 3 stars NFL ESPN Fantasy Football Logo – […]
  8. tjpeed

    Inappropriate Laughter In Baltimore City

    For my final assignment of the week I decided to complete the mashup assignment Inappropriate Laughter. I used the scene from season 4 when Colvin takes Namond and 2 others to the Ruth’s Chris Steak House. It is an interesting scene from start to finish. In the beginning the kids are all excited to go […]
  9. tjpeed

    NFL ESPN Fantasy Football Logo

    For the mashup assignment Twittr I had to take 2 of my favorite website logos and mash them together. It was relatively easy using photoshop. Currently my 2 favorite websites are and ESPN Fantasy Football. I have been spending a lot of time on these websites because of the football season. So I took their […]
  10. tjpeed

    Fonzie’s ID Remix

    For my remix assignment I ended up getting Let See Some ID: Happy Days. I was to create an id but also take the assignment back to the 1950’s which Happy Days was set in. In case you don’t know the Happy Days sitcom maybe this will jog your memory. I decided to use Fonzie […]
  11. tjpeed

    The New Logo For Baltimore Sports

    I decided to complete the Your Favorite Sports Teams Mashup. For this assignment I used the Baltimore Ravens and Orioles logo.   Then Using photo shop I cut out the O logo and merged it onto the Ravens logo. I used the magnetic lasso for the process. Then I used the clone stamp to fill […]
  12. tjpeed

    Wagstaff Snack Company Logo

    I slightly changed  the Website Logo assignment to make it a company logo. Wagstaff Snack Company needed a distinct logo for people to remember them by. Randy decided to take the Natty Boh logo and change it for his company. Being a Baltimore based company he wanted to keep the logo known to this area. […]
  13. tjpeed

    Wagstaff Snack Company Bumper Sticker

    Randy decided to try to a promotional event for the week after the break. Business is going well but he wants to keep expanding. He is money hungry and takes any opportunity he can to make some more of that green. Bumper sticker assignment is exactly what it sounds like. I do not know why it is […]
  14. tjpeed

    Wagstaff Snack Company

    For My Final Project I took on the character Randy Wagstaff. I decided to take on his snack business and help him market it and expand it. I have developed his social media accounts: Twitter: @WagstaffSnacks Facebook Flickr LinkedIn: Yes, middle schooler has a linkedin. The reason for this is he needs to expand to […]
  15. tjpeed

    Thankful Daily Create

    I have had this thought for a while but I have been so busy with school work that I haven’t put it up. So since it is the Holiday season lets all take a moment to show what we are thankful for. It could be serious or funny as long as you’re thankful for it. […]
  16. tjpeed

    The Finish Line Is Getting Closer Week 11 & 12

    Well having 2 weeks to complete the assignments was nice. Even though I am finishing them at 11:30 pm on the last night I was able to take are of some other things I needed to get done. I completed a video discussion this week which was my second one so I am looking at […]
  17. tjpeed

    Institutional Dysfunction in The Wire

    For my Video Essay I decided to focus on a specific theme that has been shown throughout all of the seasons thus far. The theme institutional dysfunction is one that is shown through many of the characters. From McNulty to the Mayor and even in the Barksdale Organization this theme is portrayed numerous times. I […]
  18. tjpeed

    My Acting Career Has Begun

    For the Swede a Scene assignment I worked with Syd and we redid the opening scene of Season 3 Episode 11. Thanks to my house mate for filming the scene it turned out pretty decent. I do not think I have any chance at an acting career but you never know what will happen. After […]
  19. tjpeed

    Pap Is My Special Person

    Another of the video assignments I decided to complete was one that I created. I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by creating a video assignment for ds106 as well as completing it for my weekly assignments. I am naming this one Special Person Montage. Basically, you are to choose someone who is […]
  20. tjpeed

    Season 4 Bleep Sesh

    I decided to complete the bleeping assignment during week 11/12. It was a fun assignment but took some patience and time to make it good. First I decided what scene to use. I used the opening scene from season 4 episode one. This was when Snoop went to the fake home depot to find a […]
  21. tjpeed

    Please Rewind Your VHS Tape – Week 10

    Well just to start off my title is just a throwback memory to when I would go to Blockbuster and rent a VHS then would go to watch and and would have to wait for it to rewind. I hated that so much. Maybe that is why Blockbuster went out of business…. Just Kidding. I […]
  22. tjpeed

    Take Me To Australia

    For the Where Do You Want To Go? assignment I created a video montage of pictures and video clips. I would love to go to Australia one day. After creating this assignment I decided to look into the cost of some of the things I would like to do if I go to Australia and let’s […]
  23. tjpeed

    The Mashup That Inspires

    Another assignment that inspired me was Lauren Brumfield’s Trailer Mashup: Dishonor Creed. Her assignment turned out amazing. It is definitely worth 5 stars if not ore if that is possible. I originally was going to do a sports highlight mashup but when I started pulling clips together I realized how much time it was going […]
  24. tjpeed

    Omar The Chipmunk

    For this video assignment I completed Chipmunk Style. I accidentally used a scene from episode 11. I was just so into the show I just kept pushing next without realizing what I was watching. It was from the very beginning of the episode so it does not spoil anything big. I first downloaded the clip then […]
  25. tjpeed

    Look, Listen, Analyze – Season 3 Episode 8

    While watching the beginning scene of Season 3 Episode 8 the camera work is very fast paced. Within the first minute there are multiple camera angle changes. The producer zoomed in on specific objects or actions and then would change the angle or the view to something else. One thing I noticed is the producer […]
  26. tjpeed

    Fútbol Commentators for Hockey???

    This assignment was a lot of fun but took a lot of time. For the “He Could Go All The Way, Homerun” assignment I had to take highlights from one sport and then take commentating from another sport and mash them together. I wanted to choose two sports that would at least make some sense […]
  27. tjpeed

    The Innovation of the Telephone

    The Product Evolution Assignment was in interesting on to complete. I decided to go with the evolution of the telephone. Starting from the candle stick to now the iPhone the phone has changed so much. First I completed research to see the types of phone that were being used from the beginning. Then I gathered different […]
  28. tjpeed

    Fritz Lang’s M

    Fritz Lang’s masterpiece M was very interesting. When I first watched it I thought to myself “Is professor really having me watch something in German?” I was worried I would be too focused on trying to figure out what was going on and not look at the visual aspects. For roughly the first 3 minutes […]
  29. tjpeed

    Simple Can Be Better

    Brittany Scites‘ assignment The Wire, Minimalist Style inspired me to think simpler. The needle she uses on the design is simple pretty much like clipart. Then Adding the quote “I need to get clean” Just pulled the design all together. I believe in the bottom right those are the viles which just adds detail to the […]
  30. tjpeed

    Week 9 – Radio Show Premier

    Daily Creates This week we had to complete 2 daily creates. Make A Winter Drawing – For this daily create we had to make a drawing of winter. I decided to make a snowman and a Christmas tree along with some snowflakes.   Take the Thirty Challenge – for this daily create I decided to […]

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