Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94972 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This week I have been writing the ridiculous story of Putin and Trudeau and I will admit that I initially struggle to find the right path to take but I am happy with where it ended and I hope some of you guys found it entertaining as well.  Unfortunately for me I do not have […]
  2. @tmckenzierich

    Advice to Incoming Students

    I really did learn a lot about different areas of media and ways of creating and editing things such as audio, images, and video.  I really appreciated that new knowledge from this course.  My best advice would be to definitely stay on top of the assignments because this course is online and it is easy […]
  3. @tmckenzierich

    Mission 106

    After  long night at the office I came home to a folder waiting on my desk.  I hesitate to open it but when I do this is what I find: “We have unconfirmed reports that Canada is up to something, so we are looking to defuse the potential situation. Are they conspiring with the Russians? […]
  4. @tmckenzierich

    Project Idea

    For now I am still working on a “theme” per se other than a general mystery or something cliche.  I think for media and what not I want to leave clues for the story line through youtube videos and tweets on twitter.  From there I’m thinking of recording a voice over of the agents thoughts […]
  5. @tmckenzierich

    Where My Shoes Take Me

    This was interesting and almost a little nerve-racking as well.  Mostly for the fact that some of my videos would not convert, but also because it was difficult remembering to whip out my camera and get a shot of my feet wherever I went.  I started out at my girlfriends place, and from there I […]
  6. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This week has been…a ball of stress for the most part.  I am grateful that these assignments were not too hard to complete and that I am a well seasoned veteran when it comes to iMovie and audio things such as these.  A lot of my assignments had a similar routine, go to youtube, download […]
  7. @tmckenzierich

    Techno Viking Remix

    This video is pretty dope by itself but this is the video that synced up the best with the Techno Viking song…which I didn’t really know was a thing until now lol.  So I had to created the original video into an mp3 and then I found this video on youtube to import into iMovie.  […]
  8. @tmckenzierich

    New Movie Poster

    Alright, lets be real.  Lisbeth is the all time bada** warrior to ever be witnessed in film.  I really liked this movie and when I found this picture on google I knew it would be the perfect fit for a different poster idea and what not.   Although the movies are completely different in nature […]
  9. @tmckenzierich

    Lip Read

    I had a little bit of difficulty when choosing which lip read to do for this but for some reason the first thing I thought of was Hey Arnold, and for the audio I chose one of my favorite movies, Interview with the Vampire.  The episode itself of Hey Arnold already has a haunting/spooky feel […]
  10. @tmckenzierich

    Inappropriate Laughter

    I got this clip from Skyfall and I couldn’t think of a better clip to mashup with an inappropriate laughter sequence. So first I had to download this clip as an mp4 and I left it on my desktop so I could just drag it straight into iMovie.  From there I just edited the clip […]
  11. @tmckenzierich

    6 Second Art

    I don’t have vine but I got this to work just fine with the Photo Booth camera on my macbook.  The original video was only 25 seconds, so once I imported that to iMovie I highlighted everything and dragged what I wanted into the box.  From there I had to go to the settings of […]
  12. @tmckenzierich

    Getting to Know Alex

    This is my video on my agent profile Alex Bercek.  Alex is a 22 year old, 5’11”, athletic CIA agent.  She has brown skin and was born in Italy where she lived for 7 years before coming to live in the states, where she now resides in Washingtion, DC.  Her personality is light and fun […]
  13. @tmckenzierich

    How to Ollie

    The first thing that came to mind as a how to video was to bust out my skateboard so that’s what I did lol.  I haven’t touched it in a couple of months but this seemed like the perfect opportunity because the ollie is fundamental trick–without a strong base there you can’t go into harder […]
  14. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This was has been so rough but these assignments were actually way cool to do.  I think I am a lot better with video than audio, didn’t take me nearly as long so I am very greatful for that.  I really enjoyed learning about how to read a shot and also Zhou’s videos on shot […]
  15. @tmckenzierich

    Instant Replay

    I figured since I was already outside earlier that I would go ahead and make an instant replay video.  It was cold so I chose something that would get my blood pumping.  I just did some breakdancing, more specifically “tops” or “top rocks” which is anything you do up top on your feet.  I had […]
  16. @tmckenzierich

    Video Crack!

    by For this assignment I chose a scene from Fight Club of Tyler Durden offering the rules of fight club which then goes into a complete fight scene.  I was thinking at first that I would pick a song that perfectly described the build and anticipation that leads to that pretty brutal scene, but then […]
  17. @tmckenzierich

    Twister: Van Gogh

    Never heard of Twister before but apparently it is a website that can make fake Twitter-like accounts for well known individuals in the past.  The basic premise is typing in the full name, choosing a date they would have “tweeted” and coming up with something they might say.  The example I had seen was Abe […]
  18. @tmckenzierich


    This was initially really fun but then it became very annoying lol.  So my first story for this was actually a horror story and without realizing I hadn’t logged in, I wrote the whole thing and wasn’t able to get a shareable link.  But initially what drew me to this was that I have never […]
  19. @tmckenzierich

    TDC Highlights

    This one immediately grabbed my attention just for the fact that you can tell he put a lot of work into this, he definitely paid attention to detail.  Also, instead of going with the tradition spaceship model he went with something unique and interesting to look at! @ds106dc prospective design for an EmDrive ship to […]
  20. @tmckenzierich

    Agents on Air

    I really liked that that they went with an interview type of feel for their show, and how everyone had a different role.  It wasn’t just everyone being a part of the action but the people who work the background to help the agents that take on the active role.  I enjoyed how they transitioned […]
  21. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary/Radio Show Reflection

    This project drained the hell out of me to be honest. Recording the audio itself wasn’t the hard part, but transferring it all to audacity was soooo tedious. Some of the tracks that were posted on soundcloud we weren’t actually downloadable and we had to convert them in a different way before adding them back […]
  22. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This week was a whirlwind of things and I’m glad it’s finally over.  We have a couple of ideas for our radio show but none of them solid just yet.  I think that once we start talking again we will be able to all settle on one particular theme.  We did however decide that it […]
  23. @tmckenzierich

    Can You Guess?

    Alrighty, this was a bit more complicated than I expected it to be but I followed these directions from audacity’s site very closely Anyway I decided to throw this back to seventh grade because I absolutely adore everything about this song, even today.  The instrumentality and ethereal feel really gets to me.  I cut […]
  24. @tmckenzierich

    A Day in the Life

    On her days off these are the sounds Alex Bercek hears in the span of half of her day.  She first wakes up to her alarm and makes her way to the kitchen for a bowl of lucky charms.  From there she makes her way to the gym where she boxes for an hour, mostly […]
  25. @tmckenzierich

    Spy Mashup

    I think it’s funny that I saw this assignment and thought immediately of mashing these two songs.  The reason of my choosing is because people completely lost it when Adele’s Skyfall made its debut and I chose Die Another Day because it is from the Bond movie I remember most vividly from being a kid.  […]
  26. @tmckenzierich

    First Week Radio Show

    This week we basically talked about the overall structure of our show.  We discussed how to disperse the bumpers and whatnot.  We have not settled on a solid theme outside of it being a storytelling type of radio show.  We talked a bit about the tone we would want the show to have and deriving […]
  27. @tmckenzierich

    Radio Show Design

    We have not discussed this part of our show just yet. But I think it might rely deeply on our core theme for the show.  However, for me I’m getting the mental image of it being sleek and dark and minimal in nature.  Kind of how spy’s keep a low profile, I would imagine our […]
  28. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    For this week I had to make photo editor my bff and learn how to use a logo site.  I thought that most of my assignments this week turned out to be fairly quick. That or I have finally gotten my footing in this whole photoshop thing. The TDC this week that was on the […]
  29. @tmckenzierich


    The color scheme of this photo was too bomb not to make into an anti-motivational poster.  Pixlr has become my friend this week so I was able to make this fairly quickly.  Just a bit of font change and positioning and voila.  The perfect thing to make you give up on all  of life’s aspirations.

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