Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. travisj

    Learn to code

    Here is some information about an online course being offered starting Friday.  There is some cost involved, but it may be worth the small investment (you can join without certification at a reduced rate) if you think you may want … Continue reading
  2. travisj

    Post your projects

    If you haven’t posted your project to your blog, please get it up there. I’d like to finish reading your blogs and work tomorrow (Thursday). Please check your email for a note from me. I will be in touch by the end of this week. I will be on campus May 12th, if you want […]
  3. travisj

    Sad news about a Wikipedia pioneer and…presentation list…

    Here is scholar who embodied the spirit of “cognitive surplus.” Wadewitz spent countless hours editing and vastly improving Wikipedia. If you haven’t read her piece that I posted to links (or bibliography) titled “What I learned as the Worst Student in the Class” you may be interested to check it out. Here is her obituary: […]
  4. travisj

    Monday’s Class

    We have a lot to accomplish: demos of Rap Genius and Pixton discussion of digital archives (what have you found?) the future of higher education (see readings on syllabus) and–workshopping final projects. Please come in with a rough outline and tools to share. Enjoy this beautiful day and see you in class tomorrow morning!
  5. travisj

    Digital Scholarship and Online Archives

    Tomorrow we will talk more about the tools you tried in class and brainstorm final projects. We’ll also look at what work is being done to make literary archives accessible. Blog about one of the links on our syllabus or find your own collection to discuss. Here is an interesting crowdsourced project called Transcribe Bentham […]
  6. travisj

    Daily Create

    On Monday we’ll be looking at how technology can expand the way we read and do research. For the daily create blog post I would like you to play around with google ngrams. This tool allows you to do word searches across a very wide selection of books (5 million and counting). What will you […]
  7. travisj

    Going Transparent

    Stephanie blogs about an article she found on using Google Glass and going transparent: google glass post a comment on her blog… TRIGGER WARNING: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
  8. travisj


    Please finish The Circle for Thursday. Spoiler alert: we will be talking about events that happen toward the end of the novel. Please also consider your reading of Mae’s relationships: Annie, Kalden, Frances, Mercer, her parents… FYI: LuvLuv–no lulu!
  9. travisj

    Secrets are Lies

    Secrets are Lies–Caring is Sharing–Privacy is Theft How are this mottos/aphorisms from the Circle like George Orwell’s 1984: War is Peace–Freedom is Slavery–Ignorance is Strength ? Does Mae believe the Circle’s “doublespeak”? Please remember to check our syllabus for your “daily create” assignments relating to The Circle. Here is Dave Eggers literary magazine: McSweeneys Internet […]
  10. travisj

    The Internet Turns 25

    Here is an article from the New York Times: As The World Wide Web Turns 25 Fear about its Future We’ll finish presentations of digital stories and talk about social media. Check out the syllabus for our reading. Also, be sure to find an article about some social media platform and blog about it. We’ll […]
  11. travisj

    Digital Story Presentations Continue

    Hi Everyone: Great job those of you who presented on Monday. Please be sure to link your story to your blog (and make sure I have it linked here–still waiting for some blogs!). Please also check the syllabus for upcoming assignments and dates. See you tomorrow! Loathe the Selfie?
  12. travisj

    On Poems and Pixels

    On Poems and Pixels Looking forward to seeing everyone’s projects on Monday.  Link your story to your blog and send the blog to me to post.   Here is an essay on technology and writing that you might find interesting…
  13. travisj

    Digital Storytelling Topics

    Hi Everyone: Just a reminder that digital stories are due after the break. Here is a link to a site with some ideas for digital stories, if you are still working on your topic or just want to take a peak: Digital Storytelling Topics Have a great bre...
  14. travisj

    Stories, Tools, and More

    Tomorrow we will talk more about what makes a good digital story. Please come prepared with an example you would like to share. We will discuss your recommended tools for making a digital story, and we will look in more depth at our storyboards. Please come to class ready to share, discuss, and invent! Short […]
  15. travisj


    Try a new tool. I’m including storify here (I quickly put together a collection of digital humanities projects, lectures, links). Storify allows you to write a narrative to put the collection of images, videos, and links in context. Digital Humanities on Storify
  16. travisj

    Share your blogs

    I’ve dedicated a spot on the menu/dashboard and will link your blogs as you send them to me (via email please). If you haven’t contributed to zotero, please work on this. Our user group is English Studies in the Digital Age. Caroline Fuchs in the library is the contact who can help you iron out […]
  17. travisj

    Digital Storytelling

    Tomorrow we will start our discussion of digital storytelling. There are links on our syllabus, but also please check out some of the links under digital storytelling right here on our blog. We will share our blogs/daily creates, look at ds106, check in on zotero, and discuss digital storytelling. What is digital storytelling? The syllabus […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]