Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. tsfairbank

    Weekly Summary #5

    Week 5 Summary: Wow! I can’t believe I’m actually done with this course! I feel like I completed both the final project and the second tutorial very well. Nothing really gave me trouble this week other than the fact it was shorter. I really enjoyed the final project. Most of it was true but a […]
  2. tsfairbank

    LeBron James Story

    Once upon a time a senior in high school from Akron, Ohio got drafted number one overall to his favorite NBA team the Cleveland Cavaliers. He was considered the savior of the franchise. People from Cleveland considered him the chosen one to finally bring Cleveland a championship. His first years in the league he really […]
  3. tsfairbank

    Tutorial #2: Highlight Reel

    Tutorial #2: Highlight Reel Description of Assignment: “Create an animated GIF of a sports moment to be played over and over again. It doesn’t matter what sport, but make sure its a cool moment in that sport, which would belong on a highlight reel.” My Completed Assignment: Greatest Catch Ever Step 1: First you have to find a […]
  4. tsfairbank

    Week 4 Summary

    Week 4 Summary: I feel this week went by pretty quick and that I completed all the assignments very well. The only thing that gave me trouble was on my second video assignment about making highlights of your favorite actor/actress. The requirements for time seemed to be not enough for what I wanted to do […]
  5. tsfairbank

    Tutorial #1: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars)

    Tutorial #1: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Make a GIF when someone celebrates too early. You can use Make A GIF or any software to help you trim the video that you find into a five second or less GIF. Make sure you embed your GIF into your blog post.” My Completed Assignment: Nick Young Hits The Three… […]
  6. tsfairbank

    Reading Movies

    After reading Roger Ebert’s article, “How to Read a Movie” I started mentally analyzing any movie I had ever watched, wondering if the rules he found from his extensive experience really held true. And it did! I had never analyzed a movie in the manner Ebert describes, but as I imagined my favorite scenes from […]
  7. tsfairbank

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    Look, Listen, Analyze Analyze the camera work: The camera in this scene switches to three different views. One, of the broadcasters which seems to be the main focus of the scene. Two, the workers who are working behind the scenes like the camera guy, the sound people, and the director. Three, a person who seems […]
  8. tsfairbank

    Steve Carell Funny Moments

    Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel (3 Stars) Description of Video Assignment: “Create a 30 to 60 second highlight reel of your most enjoyable movie scenes from your favorite Actor/Actress.” The Story Steve Carell has always been one of my favorite actors. He plays the boss of my favorite TV show The Office. He plays the perfect […]
  9. tsfairbank

    Blake Griffin Highlights

    Highlight Reels (5 Stars) Description of Video Assignment: “Channel your inner ESPN and clip together highlights of your favorite athlete, set it to some music, and add an intro.” The Story Blake Griffin is one of my favorite NBA players. He plays for the Los Angeles Clippers but I first became a fan of his […]
  10. tsfairbank


    Week 4 Daily Create 1 (7/15) Meh, Cisgender, Jeggings and other words: The Daily Create 1284 (7/15) Twitter Tweet Photobomber The photobomber was actually carnapping our neighbors car. He was dressed kind of fratty. The neighbor called the cops and they arrested the guy the next day at a local store trying to steal a Blu-Ray […]
  11. tsfairbank

    Week 3 Summary

    Week 3 Summary: Week 3 wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I feel I completed all the assignments very well. The Audio Assignments probably gave me the most trouble this week because this was the first time I have done something like this on a computer. It was hard to […]
  12. tsfairbank

    My Order

    May I Take Your Order? Description of Assignment: “Using your best accent (whether it be Australian, British or southern, ect), pretend you are at McDondalds and order something off of their menu. Be picky! For example, a coke with no ice.” The Story One day me and my friends went to McDonald’s and we knew the […]
  13. tsfairbank

    Two Moons

    Week 3 Daily Create #4 (7/12) Franklin’s Drinkers Dictionary Inspiration: The Daily Create 1281 (7/12) Twitter Tweet Two Moons I chose to drew the Tun Tavern with two moons from Franklin’s Drinkers Dictionary where Ben Franklin loved to get a glass a beer at. I think the moons go well in the background of this brewery.    
  14. tsfairbank

    Summary of the radio story

    Episode 504: How I got Into College In this audio story on the radio, they used different audio techniques to help convey the story. The first thing I notice listening to the story was the music in the background. I felt like the music didn’t really help in telling the story I felt like it was […]
  15. tsfairbank

    Guess this song!

    Favorite Song (1 and 1/2 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Take your favorite song. Remove the lyrics. Play only up to thirty seconds of the song. Listener must be able to guess.”   The Story If you guess this song right you might think it’s a little to girly for me but its one my favorite […]
  16. tsfairbank

    Audio Storytelling Summary

    Ira Glass on This American Life While watching part 1 of Ira Glass’ series on storytelling, I learned that by using an anecdote when telling a story even the most boring topic can become exciting to the listeners. Basically, an anecdote is a version of storytelling in which the story becomes a sequence of events instead […]
  17. tsfairbank

    My House

    Week 3 Daily Create #3 (7/09) Basic Element Drawing: The Daily Create 1278 (7/09) Twitter Tweet My House Today’s Daily Create had us draw a photo using just circles, squares, triangles, dots, and lines. I decided to draw my house and I was able to use all five and some even more than others.    
  18. tsfairbank

    Shark Bait

    Week 3 Daily Create #2 (7/08) Hand and Paper Drawing!: The Daily Create 1277 (7/08) Twitter Tweet Shark Bait This drawing is in honor of shark week. I drew this while watching stories of people being attack by sharks. Can this guy out run a shark in the ocean or does he become shark bait.
  19. tsfairbank

    Nick Young Hits the Three… Oh Wait Nevermind

    My Created Assignment #2: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Make a GIF when someone celebrates too early. You can use Make A GIF or any software to help you trim the video that you find into a five second or less GIF. Make sure you embed your GIF into your blog post.” The Story The Laker’s Nick […]
  20. tsfairbank

    Nike LeBron 12s UMW Customized

    Customize a pair of shoes (3 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Everyone likes to have a pair of shoes that are one of a kind. Customize a pair of shoes of your choosing. You can use photoshop or any website to edit shoes. To help me customize my Nike shoes I used but you can use any site you […]
  21. tsfairbank

    Week Two Summary

    Week two was not as bad as the first week. I believe I completed all the assignments very well. Some of them took more time then others. The DesignBlitz took me the whole week and gave me the most trouble because I wanted to let the whole week past before I decided on my four […]
  22. tsfairbank

    My Room

    Week 2 Daily Create #4 (7/05) The pleasure of odds and ends: The Daily Create 1274 (7/05) Twitter Tweet My Room Some stuff you find in is my pleasure of odds and ends.  
  23. tsfairbank

    Blog Post on Completed DesignBlitz

    DesignBlitz Rhythm: “Rhythm is the repetition or alternation of elements, often with defined intervals between them. Rhythm can create a sense of movement, and can establish pattern and texture. There are many different kinds of rhythm, often defined by the feeling it evokes when looking at it.” This photo represents rhythm. I believe it follows the […]
  24. tsfairbank


    This picture was taken of a pillow at my friend Cam’s house on Tuesday. I believe this pillow represents the idea of rhythm. This picture was taken on the Fourth of July of a firework. I believe it represents color scheme. This picture was taken last week when I was at the beach of a shark […]
  25. tsfairbank

    Reflection on the Vignelli Cannon

    For this assignment we had to read a book called Vignelli Cannon by Massimo Vignelli. Before I began I looked through how long the book was and realized that its going to take me awhile to read. But as I was reading I found it quick to read because it was really interesting. The author broke […]
  26. tsfairbank

    Walk in the Park

    Week 2 Daily Create #3 (7/04) Draw on a Napkin: The Daily Create 1273 (7/04) Twitter Tweet Walk in the Park This picture I drew for me girlfriend for her lunch. Me and her are taking a walk through the park holding hands.
  27. tsfairbank


    The Ultimate Merger (4 and 1/2 Stars) Description of Assignment:“Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged.” The Story In 2017 McDonald’s and Wendy’s were both losing business to each other. So […]

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