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  1. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Week Two: Check.

    Wow, this week was intense, and I only see it getting harder from here. I spent a good portion of this week trying to just make last weeks additions fit in better, I re-titled things, organized them better, and made sure things were all going smoothly. I feel that this week I made a really […]
  2. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Trampled by Turtles

    For this GIF assignment I was to make a GIF with one of my favorite musicians. I have no idea how to embed that onto here, so you can find the GIF I made here. The assignment link is here Steps: Google how to make a GIF because the link on the week 2 page […]
  3. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Photosplosion

      This project was really interesting to me, it definitely made me look at things a lot harder than I normally would have, but also made me think of the signs and products I see day to day more critically.
  4. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Looking awfully tusk-y today

    For this assignment I was to design my own tshirt. Since I love walruses so much, the choice was simple! I loved the color of the walrus painting I found and decided that if I were to make a shirt I would probably want that on it, with just a silly sentence for fun. The […]
  5. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Such a Lovely Place, Such a Lovely Face

    For this assignment the directions were to take a picture of a 70’s rock band, take a quote from a different 70’s rock band, state that the quote was from yet another different 70’s rock band, and then create a picture displaying it. For mine I took a picture of Led Zeppelin, a quote from […]
  6. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Just Keep Swimming!

    For this assignment I was to make a venn diagram related to something in current pop culture, so I figured why not use characters from the newest follow up to Finding Nemo. I saw Finding Dory a few weeks ago and it was amazing, it made me cry, and it gave me all the feels. […]
  7. @WalrusQueenAbby


    For this design assignment I was required to take a quote from a movie and overlay it onto a picture from the movie. I decided to do Harry Potter, mostly because the books and movies are the most inspirational and meaningful ones I have ever come across. The quote I chose was said by Dumbledore […]
  8. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Vignelli Cannon(ball)

    I found that the Vignelli Canon was a very interesting read, the only problem being that I don’t have an extreme interest in how things are presented. Yeah, I can appreciate when things look good, and I enjoy the style and colors, and I can sit back and see how much work the creation of […]
  9. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Childhood Home!

    One of my childhood homes was in Troutdale, Oregon. I spent a few years in this cute little house with my mom. It was just a two block stroll from the cute and antique shop filled downtown part of Troutdale. #ds106 #dailycreate #tds1630 This is my childhood home. A modest 2br 1ba in Oregon. […]
  10. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Spubble Me

    This was a fun one. I took a picture that I’ve had of myself since I was a teenager (I’m 24 now), I took a trip to Disneyworld when I was 15, and celebrated my 16th birthday on a Disney cruise with my (then) best friend, and our moms. I have always been a big […]
  11. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Smooth as Silk

    This visual assignment really caught my eye. I love patterns and repetition, but I also love colors and chaos. This program, WeaveSilk, is amazingly beautiful. You create your own mixture of colors and patterns to create something truly you. Any type of program that can make me feel completely relaxed and peaceful is a necessity […]
  12. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Hawkeye…My Superhero

    Hawkeye is my favorite person (dog) to spend time with. He is my 5.5 year old Treeing Walker Hound. He weighs a hefty 65lbs, and as you can see from the collage, he LOVES to sleep. This is my second visual assignment of the week, and I’m feeling really stressed out trying to get all […]
  13. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Can You See What I See?

    Well, this was an interesting visual assignment. With the requirement being, take an eye (this is my eye), and overlay something into it like a reflection, as well as no background in photo editing, I think I did a fairly decent job. I got my eye on some pizza, and some pizza…on my eye. My […]
  14. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Photoblitz Experience:

    First off, I chose to do this in my house, because it’s been nasty and rainy, and I didn’t think I wanted to take a picture of someone else’s feet in public. So I improvised. The experience was overall kind of stressful, I felt panicked trying to figure out what to take pictures of, or […]
  15. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Example Blog Post

    This is a blog post. Blog posts can be journal entries, reflections, a piece feature piece, a short argumentative piece, an analysis, a small photo gallery, and much more. Blog posts by default can be categorized and tagged, meaning they can have taxonomy assigned to them. Using categories and tags will keep your blog posts … Continue reading Example Blog Post

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