Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Watkins

    Perils of Aquariums

    My first visual assignment of the week, worth two stars: “Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect And Write Something in Helvetica” I had to do it twice; the first time, Photoshop froze on me and I had to force quit.  I’m a little worried, my computer doesn’t usually do that to me.  Luckily ...
  2. Watkins

    Post PhotoBlitz

    Phew.  I must say that was more fun than I expected.  It was also the first time that I’ve really appreciated photography as its own medium.  I usually find myself taking photographs for the purpose of recording events or inspiration, and collecting references for drawings.   Taking artistic photos can be really fun!  In order to ...
  3. Watkins

    Preparing for the PhotoBlitz 0:00PB

    In preparation for this exercise,  I outfitted my mobile with the Flickr and Tumblr apps, so that I may efficiently upload the photos as I take them.  Matters were complicated by the fact that uploading via Flickr App would crank up my cell data, so I tried to enable WiFi.  My phone then informed me ...
  4. Watkins

    Mold and Comic. Week 3 Wrap-Up.

    Today in examining the worm bin I saw more mold than worms.  It was difficult to discern the progress of the worm bin when more than mildly disgusted by the odor, especially with sight of green slime and white puffs.  However, I can’t complain – the bin does seem to be making dirt from food ...
  5. Watkins

    The Contour of a Main Character’s Time Travel

    In this video Kurt Vonnegut comically and relates a simple method for analyzing stories, briefly mentioning how these stories together reflect Western Civilization’s preferred story shapes.  I feel that this method is too general, and doesn’t encompass the subtleties that create intrigue in stories.  It also focuses on only one character, and changes in fortune ...
  6. Watkins

    Fate in the Cards

    Between Five Card Flickr and the original Five Card Nancy,  Nancy makes a more cohesive story.  It took me several attempts in FCF to create a five-image sequence that did not demand a lengthy and warped narrative for a relationship, while Nancy’s inherent visual coherence lends itself better to scrambled storytelling. The final Five Card Flickr ...
  7. Watkins

    Falling Flat: in{SIPID}

    in[SPIRE]. The cream of the crop of a creative class: an irresistable ocean of delight… in theory.  In looking for a particular project to review from the cacauphanous collection, I opened several in tabs to examine.  Indeed intruiging – I relished the opportunity to read about the making of a coffee-related gif, an episode of Animal Hospital  ...
  8. Watkins

    CAPYBARA&bird: the beginning

    There’s too many inspiring things in the world!  Not to say that inspiration or wonderment is bad – don’t get me wrong – but time is the most limited resource.  There is not enough time to cultivate creatively from every seed of inspiration.  I have dozens of notebooks filled with ideas saved for later.  In ...
  9. Watkins

    Internet:Epic. Digital Storytelling

    Stories are how people make sense of the world around them, and present their experiences to others, often with the side effect of influencing or informing the recipient. Stories are humble things, that go unnoticed in the fabric of daily life. Most meetings in the day are punctuated by anecdotes. These mostly or semi-factual accounts ...
  10. Watkins

    Boot Camp, Boot Up, Upload, Week1 Wrap Up!

    Of the introductory videos I watched, Intro to ds106 was the most helpful in explaining the general structure and intent of the class.  It’s nerve-wraking though, to think of this class as an airplane being built in the air, though, because flying in airplanes makes me sick already.   I found the Happy Student’s guide to ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]