Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94972 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @wbschd

    Week 12: Mission Check-in

    In addition to commenting and classmate interactions on Twitter, I competed the two daily creates shown below. Both were quick and easy to complete. @ds106dc #ds106 Exploring ideas, concepts, and perspectives and discovering new insights, from any sources, recharges me like a happy place! #tdc1920 — William (@wbschd) April 11, 2017 @ds106dc #ds106 Nature's … Continue reading "Week 12: Mission Check-in"
  2. @wbschd

    Go Emo Rainbow Remix

    This remix assignment asked me to remix a visual assignment which originally wanted me to note the use of rainbow-colors in some media form, with a theme of darkness and black colors. Since this idea was broad, I decided to take the short animated film “Paperman”, and create a black color gradient using frames emphasized … Continue reading "Go Emo Rainbow Remix"
  3. @wbschd

    Mission Check-In: Week 10

    This week, I provided student feedback on blogs and Twitter, in addition to the following two daily creates (Which were completed simply using Paint, easily). @ds106dc Crown them as the real fools (Hunchback of Notre Dame reference)! #tdc1903 — William (@wbschd) March 26, 2017 @ds106dc My expressions have a peak similar to this when … Continue reading "Mission Check-In: Week 10"
  4. @wbschd

    003 Character Interview

    I had to answer a seven-question 003 character interview, splicing together my character answers with the interviewer clips. I chose to mimic a Skype call, and had to use some iPhone recording, re-uploading, and splicing tricks after failing to download the interview into an effective MP4 file instead of a internet-attached link. See my interview … Continue reading "003 Character Interview"
  5. @wbschd

    Butterfly Storytelling Within the Web

    For this assignment, I used X-Ray Goggles to manipulate a search result for ‘butterfly’, injecting some humor about they think they’re the best thing since sliced bread, and discussing how their etymology is derivative from a foreign language verb meaning “spawn of Satan”. I had fun with this assignment, finding the process not excruciatingly difficult … Continue reading "Butterfly Storytelling Within the Web"
  6. @wbschd

    Dream Room

    For this 4 star assignment, I was instructed to create a Pinterest board of items I’d desire for my ‘dream room’. The board is provided below, followed by some of my wish-list selections. I’d personally love to have a studio apartment with a wall-length mirror perfect for dancing in my free time, in addition to … Continue reading "Dream Room"
  7. @wbschd

    DS106 Showcase

    My top three favorite creations came to mind nearly instantaneously, and are shown below from third to first place in terms of assignment execution in my opinion. Inside of me & Someone like you This audio mashup struck me immediately upon first listening weeks ago, as the choice of songs shockingly created a uniquely individual … Continue reading "DS106 Showcase"
  8. @wbschd

    Sexspionage Radio Show Completion

    Completing my 5-person group radio show centering around the theme of sexspionage-style espionage was an interesting process which was highly satisfying upon viewing our finished radio show. I was quite shocked at how cohesive the segments we orchestrated seemed to fit together, even as some members chose storyline-based radio segments for their individual recordings which … Continue reading "Sexspionage Radio Show Completion"
  9. @wbschd

    Mission Check-In: Week 7

    This week’s mission focus on our group radio show was intriguing! My group decided on Sexspionage as our topic, with my corresponding weekly progress and design challenge posts below. Next, I completed three weekly daily creates (Shown below). @ds106dc A mustache and a beret are all it takes to be a master of … Continue reading "Mission Check-In: Week 7"
  10. @wbschd

    “Malicious StopGate” Malware Commercial

    For this 3.5 point audio assignment, I was instructed to create a commercial, preferably for my group’s DS106 Radio show on Sexspionage. Since my own secret agent character, Wren Wilder/003, is a fan of technological security, I decided it would be fitting for our station to promote malware and ransomware protection through security software such … Continue reading "“Malicious StopGate” Malware Commercial"
  11. @wbschd

    Sexspionage Radio Show Progress

    This week, my DS106 Sexspionage Radio show group was formed. After early group communications through our Google Doc, we limited our options for a show topic to something that included historic spy content (Such as sexspionage), involvement of our own secret agent characters somehow, and discussing technological gadgetry involved in these forms of spying. After … Continue reading "Sexspionage Radio Show Progress"

ds106 in[SPIRE]