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  1. Janelle D

    A Whole New World Remix!

    So using the remix generator I came upon the Whole New World assignment and had to remix it using the 3star Remix Card: “Subtle Switcheroo” Take an assignment and alter it very slightly. Make one small change or multiple changes. Just make sure they aren’t too obvious. Think about those “side-by-side photos in magazines, can […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  2. Janelle D

    Recording a Memory

    Capture on video a friend, family member, or stranger recounting a favorite (or least favorite) memory. Be creative. Then, check out the “Re-Living a Memory” assignment. This two star assignment was fun to make because I just happened to catch my son escaping from his crib. The funny thing about it is that he did […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  3. Janelle D

    Five Kung Fu Masters

    Create a five second video of one archetype from five different movies cutting together one second of each. Examples could include: Prisoners, Thieves, Beauty Queens, Kings, Robin Hoods, James Bonds, Bank Robbers, Assassins, Bad Boys, Kung Fu Masters, Femme Fatales, Sports Heroes, High School Bullies, Rogue Police Officers, Brainiacs, Pregnancies, Principals, Mean Teachers, InspirationalTeachers, Gunslingers, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  4. Janelle D

    The Sixth Sense

    To me The Sixth Sense is an example of a great film. The plot is basically of an eight year old kid named Cole played by Haley Joel Osment, who is haunted by dead people and a child psychiatrist named Malcolm Crowe played by Bruce Willis, who is trying to help him. In the movie this scene […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  5. Janelle D

    Spring Break!

    spring-break This exactly how my spring break is going to be spent.. SLEEPING! My son will be away and I have nothing to worry about so I can get all the rest I need. It usually never turns out as planned but I need this sleep .
  6. Janelle D

    Song Story

    because-you-loved-me1 This three assignment was in between a hard and easy task to do. You had to take a song from your past and tell a story like why it is significant. This was my first time using audacity and I had to record my voice over the music and record the music at the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  7. Janelle D

    Dynamite Radio

    by This is the link to our radio broadcast show. I liked doing this assignment and interacting with different people from class. Our topic was Relationships and different aspects of it. My specific topic was control in a relationship. This assignment was a chance to learn who everybody is and how they feel toward different […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...
  8. Janelle D

    Re-Brand ‘Em

    In this assignment worth 3 stars I tried to re brand the Facebook logo. I just wanted to animate it to give it a little life. I decided to this assignment because it looked interesting and wanted to learn something new. It looks lousy but I tried my b...
  9. Janelle D

    Cartoon the Head

    When I was younger in junior high school they used to call me Tweety, so I chose this 2 star assignment called Cartoon the Head to see how I would look with Tweety’s head instead of mine and this is what i came out with.
  10. Janelle D

    Fat Cats make Art Better

    I chose to do this 2 star assignment Fat Cats make Art Better because it was hilarious to add a fat lazy cat to a famous painting. I chose the Whistler’s Mother painting which was painted in 1871. Doesn’t this cat look so comfortable?
  11. Janelle D

    Web 2.0

    What is Web 2.0? Before I read these articles I didn’t even know of Web 1.0 or Web 2.0. So what is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is just a newer version of the world wide web beginning with Web 1.0. Web 2.0 allows users to do more than they did on Web 1.0 and they […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...

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