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  1. Downes

    Tesla at Night

    February 3, 2018. I spent the day coding gRSShopper. Did a quick milk run to Metro in the evening. The Tesla pumps were all lit up and ready for use. So far: no Teslas. But I'm sure it won't be long.
  2. Downes

    Tesla at Night

    February 3, 2018. I spent the day coding gRSShopper. Did a quick milk run to Metro in the evening. The Tesla pumps were all lit up and ready for use. So far: no Teslas. But I'm sure it won't be long.
  3. Downes


    January 7, 2017. Another day disrupted by the events of yesterday, though we did have a nice dinner with family this evening. I had to run out for an errand this afternoon and noticed these Tesla charging stations under constriction at the Metro. Nice....

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