1. Chanda Cowger

    Camp Magic MacGuffin: A place of mystery and intrigue!

    Have you heard about Camp magic MacGuffin?! What a fun and fascinating place to spend the summer! But there’s some strange things going on there! I first raised my eyebrows at this strange character, Jim Groom. I  missed whatever started the commotion but he managed to get himself sequestered into a separate bunkhouse in the ...
  2. Chanda Cowger

    Wrapping Up Daily Creates for Camp

    I have enjoyed The Daily Creates of ds106 and will strive for continued participation in this creative outlet even after my educational enrollment in the ds106 curriculum comes to an end. Here are the 3 daily create assignments I completed for the last week of ds106 and Camp MacGuffin… tdc198 – Draw a flower with ...
  3. Chanda Cowger

    Daily Creates — Week 9

    Another week gone like dust in the wind! Sorry to report that I fell off the daily create challenge this week, after completing 8 consecutive challenges, but here’s the 3 I did get published: tdc190 - Flip the decibels. Make a loud sound soft, or a soft sound loud. This wasn’t too difficult to do. I ...
  4. John Johnston

    flickring clouds

    Rolling the remix dice I get: haiku it up [remixed]: Media Bender — Remix Machine Original assignment: haiku it up For the writing assignment, take a random Dailyshoot photograph and create a haiku using that image Remix Card: “Media Bender”: Change up the media for the original assignment- take a video assignment into audio or ...
  5. Mike Berta

    Shed 4 Breakfast Remix

    Not wanting to miss out on the remix fun from last week, I took a little time today and remixed Camp MacGuffin’s Week 10 update into some breakfast. I trolled through the DS106 Remix Generator and found a lot of the assignments fascinating. The notion here is that DS106ers can submit a Daily Create and now can..
  6. John Johnston

    Back after AWOL

    I’ve completely ducked out of DS106 for the last two weeks. Work, family and a week long conference meant I’ve not don anything for week 7, 8 or Week Nine: Remixing it Up — Camp Magic MacGuffin and didn’t do anything for the wonderful: Seven Day Daily Create Challenge. I did see a tweet from ...
  7. Chanda Cowger

    A-Z Photography

    My next contribution to the ds106 Assignment Repository is Visual Assignment 615: A-Z Photo Collage. The instructions read: Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage. The potential themes are endless: items around the house, items in nature, food, ...
  8. Chanda Cowger

    Zombies, Zombies…Everywhere!

    One of the requirements for ds106 was to create a new assignment for the DS106 Assignment Repository. I’ve been thinking about the possibilities for the past 9 weeks, keeping in mind that I don’t want to closely duplicate an already existing assignment AND I must be able to do it myself. That was the real ...
  9. Mike Berta

    Sir Remix-a-Lot

    A mentor of mine told me there is nothing new under the sun. This is something I’ve lived by throughout my career since that point. Ideas are often created, recreated, or remixed from something that already existed. Our innovations, advances, creations, and knowledge are derivative of something else or somethings else. In fact, learning begins..
  10. Chanda Cowger

    Remixing with Dr. Suess

    The remix assignment this week was to use the remix generator to produce a remix card paired with another assignment from the ds106 assignment repository. The task was to then interpret this as a new assignment and do it. We were instructed to look at the examples that were done for the original assignment, and ...
  11. Chanda Cowger

    Remix: Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

    After watching all four Everything is a Remix videos created by Kirby Ferguson and his blog, I think one of the most profound things he said that really drove home the reasons for remixes was “Nobody starts out original. We need copying to build a foundation of knowledge and understanding. And after that, things can ...
  12. Chanda Cowger

    Lethal Weapon Series: 4 Movies, 1 Trailer

    Mashup Assignment 135 (4 stars) called for making a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies, and combining scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer. This was an easier assignment, and considering all my problem with video editing, I figured I could probably handle this one with a minimum ...
  13. Mike Berta

    Radio Campfire Show

    Via Flickr with thanks to r_rahulLast night Ben Harwood and Ben Rimes joined me to put on a DS106/MagicMacguffin Radio Campfire. We were graced with stories and songs that helped us enjoy our time.The appeal of Internet Radio is unexpected. I previousl...
  14. Mike Berta

    Radio Campfire Show

    Via Flickr with thanks to r_rahul Last night Ben Harwood and Ben Rimes joined me to put on a DS106/MagicMacguffin Radio Campfire. We were graced with stories and songs that helped us enjoy our time. The appeal of Internet Radio is unexpected. I previously hosted a podcast and blog about the doctoral process, so the..
  15. Chanda Cowger

    Mashing Up Daily Creates

    I accepted cogdog’s challenge last week to do daily creates every day for seven days. As of today, I’m going on 8, but I haven’t done today’s yet. Anyway, since issuing his challenge there has been more consistent participation on The Daily Create site, so the timing was good to do Mashup Assignment 609 (5 ...
  16. Chanda Cowger

    What a Week!!!

    Wow, what a week! Video activities in ds106 have kept me very busy. Add a full-time job, a concussion, and various other issues this week and I’m almost surprised I survived…with my sanity at least! Recap of this week’s activities and blogs: Grant Me Serenity… Grown Ups Play Arrow Roulette – Help Me! Everything’s a ...
  17. Chanda Cowger

    Stepping up to the Daily Create Challenge!

    This week in the world of Daily Creates, cogdog expressed his frustration with lack of consistent participation with The Daily Create and issued a 7-day Daily Create Challenge. Rising to his challenge, I worked to complete the Daily Creates daily, everyday. And here’s what I came up with: tdc184—Take a picture of a cloud and tell us what ...
  18. Chanda Cowger

    Everything’s a Remix?

    This is week 2 of video analysis in ds106. Taking a look at the video series Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson, we see that the same or similar ideas are repeated over and over, through decades and eras in movies. This concept is reinforced by last weeks study of reading movies and specifically ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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