1. Mike Berta

    The Gardening

    Meanwhile back in Camp Magic MacGuffin we are working on video projects and editing. I was eager to try out the Send a Camp Movie to Camp project after speaking with Alan during our radio programs. As it turns out the Buffalo, NY was the shooting location for a movie titled The Burning and the movie..
  2. Mike Berta

    The Gardening

    Meanwhile back in Camp Magic MacGuffin we are working on video projects and editing. I was eager to try out the Send a Camp Movie to Camp project after speaking with Alan during our radio programs.As it turns out the Buffalo, NY was the shooting locati...
  3. Chanda Cowger

    Video Killed the Radio Star in Week 7

    This letter home is in video, where I inserted some pictures and text into my video letter home. Still feeling my way through the video editing tools so it’s a little crude. It will get better as the assignments move into production, I’m sure. And I hope I’m looking (and feeling) better as the week ...
  4. Chanda Cowger

    Video Prep Work

    Video week is really two weeks! Oh, what fun! Last week we were doing a lot of prep work, familiarizing ourselves with the available software programs for video editing and starting to plan our assignment completion for the unit of study in ds106. Here are the assignments that I’ve scoped out and started planning: Video ...
  5. Chanda Cowger

    Last week’s Daily Creates

    Although I did these last week, I’m just getting the blog post done for them. Sorry for keeping you suspense, but I am slightly behind on my blogging due to an injury I sustained over the weekend. Wish it was at least a good story to tell but it’s not. Just a stupid accident at ...
  6. John Johnston

    Impending Zombie Apocalypse

    So DS106 weekly assignment for last week was: a group radio show which sounded interesting. I joined my Camp bunkhouse (Wäscälly Wäbbits (sic)) buddies: Mike Berta, Chanda Cowger, Ben Harwood, Kevin Murphy and Ciara Norquist, the task was: In each group, each person is “responsible” for 5-7 excellent minutes of the radio show. If they ...
  7. John Johnston

    Not Enough Recursion

    I was having a look at The Recursive Camera — MISSION: DS106 You’ll need a camera. And you’ll need another frame. Hold the frame in one hand (don’t let you hand cover the side facing you), and take a picture with it in the center of the image. Then step backwards and take another photo ...
  8. Chanda Cowger

    One for audio, one for visual

    This past week’s choas almost made Daily Creates an afterthought. But here they are. Only 2 this week.   tdc169—Record 30 seconds of ambient sound in your environment. I recorded this clip during the last moments of my 2 hour commute home from work, as I entered the driveway, shut off the car, gathered my things, and ...
  9. Chanda Cowger

    Zombie Apocalypse Radio Teaser

    In preparation for our collaborative radio show to be broadcast, I created a bumper to be broadcast on ds106radio as a teaser to get an audience tuned in July 3 @ 9pm EST.  This bumper was not too complicated to do. I wanted use clipped words and phrases, paired with appropriate music to portray the ...
  10. John Johnston

    A short excursion into code

    A few posts/couple of weeks ago I installed the oEmbed HTML5 audio plugin here. This allows me to upload mp3s and other audio files, the plugin takes care of presenting the audio using the html5 audio tag with a flash fallback for browsers that do not support the type of audio: This plugin converts URLs ...
  11. Mike Berta

    DS106 Apocalypse Radio

    You'll have to check out this week's audio letter home coming on Sunday to find out why I've been away from camp so long. I did manage to make it back for another audio week in which my bunkhouse is engaged in creating a string of stories along a topic...
  12. Mike Berta

    DS106 Apocalypse Radio

    You’ll have to check out this week’s audio letter home coming on Sunday to find out why I’ve been away from camp so long. I did manage to make it back for another audio week in which my bunkhouse is engaged in creating a string of stories along a topic – ala This American Life...
  13. Chanda Cowger

    The Daily Creates…Not Quite Daily

    At ds106, we are in the midst of two weeks of audio training…learning…creating…and in my case, FUMBLING! I’ve been super busy with work, deadline looming. Too many extended days has kept me away from my daily participation in The Daily Creates. Truth be told, I did them pretty much all at once. I know that’s ...
  14. John Johnston


    Poetry Reading — MISSION: DS106 Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud. Explain in your recording why you chose that poem. Lots of S sounds I am afraid. I am reading a poem by my ...
  15. Kevin Murphy

    McDonald’s Order

    Here is my awful Asian accent ordering at McDonalds, it transforms a little halfway through I don’t know why but here it is, regardless of the lack of quality of my accent this assignment was fun and very creative.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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