1. Marcey

    Weeks 7 & 8

    This letter was lost in the mail and is just now being sent.  Dear Mom and Dad, Here’s a video message from Camp Magic Macguffin. We are working on video and movies this week. Miss you! xoxo Marcey
  2. Marcey

    “Troll Quotes” Tutorial

    For the “Troll Quotes” Visual Assignment, you must first start with three famous people in mind. Next, you need to find a photo of one of these people. You could get this image by Googling the person’s name. I chose three people that were somewhat similar, so it would confuse my blog viewers, hence the ...
  3. Kavon Johnson

    Daily Creates; Week 10

    The first daily create I completed was making a creepy sound. I could have used audio from the internet or something but I chose to use my mouth. Yes, I made this sound with my mouth     The second daily create I completed was drawing a flower with my eyes closed. I always draw ...
  4. Kavon Johnson

    Final Letter Home

    Hey Mom, Today is the last day of camp, heading home soon. I greatly appreciate you sending me to this camp this year. It has been one most eventful summer that I have lived through yet. You know when I first got here I was super nervous and scared, but I was treated like family. ...
  5. Marcey

    Weeks 3 & 4

    This letter was lost in the mail and is just now being sent.  Dear Mom and Dad, Sorry I haven’t written in so long. Camp has been really busy. I have learned a lot these last two weeks at camp. I am learning about Creative Commons Licenses. I’ve been learning about being a better photographer ...
  6. Marcey

    Week 10: Interview with DS106 student, marcey109

    -What did you expect this class to be like? What did it end up being like? At first, I was extremely overwhelmed with the course material presented. I was scared it would be too much when I looked at the syllabus and introduction videos. I was worried that I would not “be good at” the ...
  7. Marcey

    Overedit Yourself!

    For this assignment, I was inspired initially by Tiffany’s “Create a New You” assignment. My main inspiration came from the comment posted on my blog post after I had completed Tiffany’s original assignment. leelzeebub said it would be interesting to place extreme edits on the photo. For Tiffany’s assignment, I tried to make myself look ...
  8. Marcey

    Go to a happier place! (Write-up and Tutorial)

    Design Assignment 625: Go to a happier place! Ever wanted to be somewhere else? Take a photo of yourself in your current location, crop your body out of the photo and paste on an image where you would prefer to be. Put together the two photos for a before and after effect! For this assignment, ...
  9. Kavon Johnson

    The Eventful Summer (Final Project)

    It all started on May 21, 2012, a young girl by the name of Kavon Johnson was sent to her first summer camp. She had never been to summer camp before so she was very nervous. Along with being very nervous she was questioning why her mother decided to send her to camp this year. ...
  10. Abir Ibrahim

    A word story

    For this assignment I had to chose words (randomly) and do google image search on the words I chose randomly. I selected the first visible photos for the words. Then I created a story by utilizing iMovies.
  11. Abir Ibrahim

    Calling All Explorers

    For this Video assignment, I was supposed to go out into the wilderness and observe nature. I recorded a 30 second video on the beautiful outdoors. I captured this video with my iPhone and uploaded it directly to YouTube. Enjoy!
  12. Kavon Johnson

    My SCREWED UP Project

    I tried to be creative and mix some things in there. I did not just want it to be a simple old blog post, but I wanted to “write” it. So I decided to put it in a movie form with slides. I added music to the background just to make it seem more “fun.” ...
  13. Cris2B

    Creativity for Hire?

    TweetI just finished my first commissioned video project. The “commissioned” aspect brought a whole perspective. It’s not that the expectations were high. The professional association to which I have belonged since I became a teacher decades ago is doing a … Continue reading
  14. Kavon Johnson

    Sing My Life

    We all have that one song that describes our life. Sadly, most people are ashamed to tell how they REALLY feel. I know I personally don’t share too many of my secrets and hurts with people. I sometimes feel misunderstood but I try my hardest to maintain a positive attitude. This assignment that I am ...
  15. Kavon Johnson

    Pause [Four] A Moment

    The first assignment I created, I wanted it to be simple yet fun. I thought about the daily creates we have done and just assignments in general. I personally dislike taking pictures of myself. I am not a very photogenic person because I don’t really have that “beautiful look.” But there are times when I ...
  16. Marcey

    Mashup Those Movies

    Cady talking about Regina in Mean Girls: “I have this theory that if you cut off all her hair she’d look like a British man.” For my first Mashup Assignment, I chose Mashup Those Movies. Naturally, I chose a movie poster for Mean Girls and edited on Aviary. I Google Imaged Mean Girls movie posters, and ...
  17. Marcey

    Remix This

    REMIX: To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new. For this write-up assignment, I watched Everything is a Remix, Part 1: The Song Remains the Same by Kirby Ferguson. Remix originally began in music. Now, remix happens everywhere. It’s easy to do and anyone can do it. The video shows examples of Led Zeppelin ...
  18. Kavon Johnson

    Week 9 ; Daily Creates

    “[Illustrate attraction in a photo]” This is a photo of 2 bears that are in love, clearly they are “beary” attracted to each other.   “[Take a picture of yourself imitating some classic rage faces]” I really don’t get mad, but my “rage” sometimes consist of me crossing my eyes. Why? I’ll never know, but ...
  19. Marcey

    Remix Assignment

    For my remix assignment, I chose the “Re-brand ‘Em” Design Assignment paired with the Remix card, “Pollock Style.” I chose one of my favorite “Re-brand ‘Em” submissions, “America Runs on DS106″ by Stephanie and remixed it as a Jackson Pollock painting. A little while back, I wrote a blog post and designed my own Jackson Pollock painting, so ...
  20. Abir Ibrahim


    I am the kind of person who chases the sun just to see it set (literally). My life’s goal is to watch the sunset in all seven continents. So far I chased sunsets in four different continents; North America, Europe, Asia … Continue reading
  21. Abir Ibrahim


    I have always been taught to never begin anything with an apology. However lately I always feel the need to apologize. When I registered for this class I was excited beyond human capacity. I was really looking forward to learn … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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