1. Jeffrey McClurken

    Movie Poster for My DS106 Website

    This design assignment to make a movie poster for your website appealed to me on many levels (not least of which is the many years I spent working in movie theatres and collecting movie posters). Having titled my site a DS106 Odyssey, I started looking for sailing ships, thinking of the original tale by Homer. ...
  2. Jeffrey McClurken

    Slide Guy Visits the Sphinx

    This is another Visual Assignment.  I couldn’t resist the opportunity to join in on the fun of placing the image of DTLT’s own Tim Owens in an unlikely spot. I immediately thought of the pyramids, though I’m not sure why.  But then I found this great image from Flickr User wilhemja of the pyramids and ...
  3. Jeffrey McClurken

    Daily Create Updates

    Catching up from a long DS106 absence…. TDC 153 — Take a picture of an old building and make it look older with filters. This is Parson Weems’s house (of Washington and cherry tree fame). We visited this house, originally built in the 1740s, in March when it was up for auction. [More about the ...
  4. Jeffrey McClurken

    Creative Commons Poster

    I found the assignment to create a CC poster more difficult than I imagined, especially after struggling a bit with the Postcard assignment. The assignment here was: Use creative commons licensed images to design a poster about how groovy Creative Commons is! Use a tool like Compfight to find creative commons licensed images in flickr (be sure ...
  5. Jeffrey McClurken

    Postcards–A Legoland/Minecraft Mashup

    So, after nearly three weeks away for a conference (and panel comment), a new talk for a Civil War Round Table, and a family trip to California, I’ve finally returned to DS106 work.  These means that I’m woefully behind as the rest of the class has moved into audio assignments.  I’ll catch up as I ...
  6. thiswritingbusiness

    Ira Glass: an expert storyteller

    Ira Glass has three things you need to be likeable on radio: firstly, a soft, intimate voice that makes you feel like he’s talking directly to you across your kitchen table; secondly, the humility to discuss his own work as something not innately brilliant, but as the culmination of many years of hard graft; and […]
  7. Kavon Johnson

    Deadly Text

    Texting has taken over the social world. About 5 years ago mainly teens were texting, but now everyone is texting. Let’s be honest, when we are driving down the highway we see people texting and driving, some of us do it ourselves. In high school, I signed a pledge to not text and drive. More ...
  8. Kavon Johnson

    My Opinion on “This American Life”

    I like how Starlee Kine started off interacting with Glass and not just talking about her own views. Glass asked her a question and  she instantly asked him a question, instead of talking solely about the show without his input. In Part 4 of Glass’ serious, he talked about how you have to interact with ...
  9. Kavon Johnson

    BUMP the Bumper louder

    This assignment had to be one of the best assignments ever. I listen to the radio a lot and sometimes I like the bumpers more than anything else. Most bumpers are very catchy, and they don’t have many words in them, which makes it easier to remember. Although, this was one of the best ones, ...
  10. Kavon Johnson


    I chose to do a Rihanna Chipmunk version. Yes, I LOVE Rihanna to bits, and I know all of her songs One of her songs I love the most is “Only Girl (In the World).” This song is very upbeat and a lot of people know it very well. Along with that, I knew that ...
  11. Kavon Johnson

    Letter Home; week 4

    Hey Mommie, Another week of camp gone by. Just writing to give you another update on how things are. This week was a very easy week for the most part. We had to do a safari of our every day lives. Where we took pictures of random things that we saw and them used to ...
  12. Marcey

    Support Creative Commons With a Poster

    For the Creative Commons design assignment, I used Aviary as my photo editor. I found the original photo on Flickr. Then, I added the attribution by just adding text at the bottom. I saved the Creative Commons symbol as a file and imported it and added it to my project. Then, I added the line ...
  13. Kavon Johnson

    My life; My Safari

    Color  Color Creates Mood. Draws Attention To Key Elements I decided to use a stop sign. First off, the color of the stop sign is bright red. I assume that the reason why a stop sign is read is to capture the drivers attention. As the quote above said, “draws attention to key elements.” The ...
  14. Marcey

    Triangle Dog

    I chose to complete the Triangle Animal Assignment. Of course, I decided to make a dog out of triangles. My favorite animal is really a turtle, dogs are second best, although I wasn’t really sure how to go about making a turtle out of triangles! With the help of the camp packing list, I chose ...
  15. Marcey

    Jackson Pollock à la Marcey

    For my first design assignment, I chose to make my own Jackson Pollock painting! I started off by looking Jackson Pollock via Google Images so I could get a better feel for his style. I decided I wanted to use a program like told-school Paint that I used to spend lots of time on back in ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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