1. dawn

    connective changes

    As I write this, I’m into hour 15 of being without my beloved 17″ Macbook Pro. Her logic board failed yesterday, and I had to take her to the Genius Bar where I was told that while I had taken very good care of her over the last four years (and seriously, the Genius did say this several times), ...
  2. Tom Woodward

    Police Beat

    I was listening to “Ain’t too Proud to Beg” coming to work this morning. I’m always surprised what songs actually say when you really listen to the lyrics. Essentially, a number of the things advised by songs can be highly questionable- even in innocent seeming songs from The Temptations. Given that and the predilection of […]
  3. dawn

    one is the loneliest

    This is not meant to be a whining post. It’s more of a sharing of “what I’ve learned while in grad school” post, I hope. Justification out of the way. Check. I’ve always been a loner. Well, I don’t know if everyone would have seen that of me, but that’s how I’ve always felt. Sure, ...
  4. Tom Woodward

    My Take on #DS106

    I recently tried to present something on #ds106 and MOOCs in general at VSTE. It’s probably best it wasn’t filmed. I’m going to try to present something more coherent in writing.1 This will be a description of what made this course work for me although I believe it could be generalized at least some to […]
  5. Tom Woodward

    Google Form as Choose Your Own Adventure Tool

    Just a quick proof of concept for a session I’m doing at VSTE. I’m trying to show how you can use most things in all sorts of ways despite what they were intended to do. Apparently the example Google put out for this way back when actually used choose your own adventure to demo the […]
  6. dawn


    When I first began my doctoral journey, and had just moved to Minnesota, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Krista Kennedy, who was, at the time, ABD in the Writing Studies Department at the University of Minnesota (she is now an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University). I had moved ...
  7. Brian

    Multi-Point Live Mix

    A sudden chorus of whoops and yibbles burst from a kind of juke box at the far end of the room. Everybody quit talking. The bartender tiptoed back, with the drinks. “What’s happening?” Oedipa whispered. “That’s by Stockhausen,” the hip graybeard informed her, “the early...
  8. Tom Woodward

    All My Cars are Immigrants

    I heard this line coming home. My drama need a passport. All my cars are immigrants.1 How could I not make a poster for Gucci Mane and adding a whole slew of immigrant cars? I’m sure he meant he had a lot of Kias. 1 Language and themes in this song are questionable if you […]
  9. Brian

    Participation as Piracy

    Way overdue as a pointer, but a couple weeks back Adrian Johns paid a visit to UBC, giving a very rich talk entitled “The Intellectual Property Defense Industry and the Crisis of Information”. Dr. Johns’ abstract sums it up quite well: With the rise of...
  10. dawn

    On being skeptical

    I’m often asked what I teach, and when I respond, it is often with “I teach thinking.” Some people nod, without asking what I mean, while others look at me quizzically, and still others engage. “What do you mean by that?” they may ask. I teach thinking through the exercise of writing and reading. ...
  11. Tom Woodward

    2 for DS106

    These two apps for the iPhone are not necessarily educational but they make for some decent entertainment. Think of this as my high fructose corn syrup post. VidRhythm This app was kindly given to me by the Debbie Roethke who knows what kids like. It’s stupid fun. Basically, you pick a song type and are […]
  12. Tom Woodward

    19 Strangers

    It has taken me quite a while to get to 19. Clearly, I tend to do this project in fits and starts and I do much better when I leave town. Because the Universe has a sense of humor, I will be in Las Vegas for BlackBoard World and I’m hoping that will result in […]
  13. Brian

    Sometimes information is ugly, no matter how it looks

    Happy European Fish Week everybody! To celebrate, The Guardian publishes this visualization (via David McCandless of Information is Beautiful) that illustrates the depletion of fish biomass in the oceans. In homage to #ds106, here is the animated gif version: This daily dose of doom-mongering is drawn from a study conducted by Dr Villy Christensen and […]
  14. Tom Woodward

    Introducing Randomness

    I had a great time at UMW’s Faculty Academy. Got to meet a number of people face to face for the first time which is always interesting. I was lucky enough to be able to present as a plenary speaker1 as well. After being repeatedly told to “bring my A game” I had completely psyched ...
  15. Brian

    The Moose Cannot Be Tamed

    I suppose I should take a crack at why this blog has been so quiet. Something about reality being too stupefying for me to process, even in byte-sized inane doses… That set of confessions and jeremiads will be postponed yet again. That is because I realise I have not even whooped up this year’s Northern […]
  16. dawn

    identity in fyw

    Recently a colleague asked me to share some ideas on how to present on identity to a first year writing class. I told her that during the time I was teaching fyw (I’m currently teaching rhetoric, technology, and the internet), I approached it through a very multimodal pop culture focus: Lady ...
  17. dawn

    the internet: then and now

    Last week, students and I listened to a 1993 podcast from NPR’s Science Friday and watched a video from a 1994 NBC Today Show. Each of these was taking a look at the Internet at the time, forming questions around “what is this thing” to “what can this do for me?” While the Today Show clip reminded ...
  18. dawn

    Writ3577 students & their projects

    This semester Writ3577 (Rhetoric, Technology, and the Internet) students have created great projects that focus on helping others through volunteering and donations. Group A This group is collecting donations of CDs and DVDs to send to a local Minnesota National Guard troop statione ...
  19. Tom Woodward

    Minimalist Poster

    My try at a minimalist movie poster. All1 sorts of people have already done it. Although most don’t seem to be tagging with visualassignments572 it so that it aggregates under the assignment on the ds106 site. That’s going to make it harder for Jim to count every assignment by hand when he does the big ...
  20. Tom Woodward

    Stranger Portrait #4 – David

    David was suspicious of my motives. It seems explaining that you take pictures of strangers to interact with new people and work on your photography skills is not seen as a normal motive for doing something like this. I soldiered on and (semi?) convinced him I was simply odd and not evil. While suspicious in ...
  21. dawn

    dear fuji

    I am near the end of this pet-sitting visit. Another day or so, and you’ll be free of me. I “say” this, that you’ll be free of me, as you rest comfortably on my lap, listening to the BBC and avoiding being upset by your pet brethren who surround us in various states of repose. You and I formed ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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