1. silverember

    Sugar, Sparkles, Boom.

    Bodies are strange, interesting things. Some people get away with essentially eating whatever they want and never see a negative consequence for it.  These people suck and I hate them.I recently found myself staring down a drastic diet change. &nb...
  2. silverember

    Phantom of the Opera in 30 Seconds

    Last night, Kel and I re-watched the Phantom of the Opera. Of course, whenever you re-watch something with a good friend you end up quoting most of the movie, bs-ing and laughing hysterically. That said, quoting most of Phantom requires ridiculous oper...
  3. silverember

    This is Dylan.

    He has a lot of feelings.Like a lot of characters in my brain, he has a lot of stories to be told. That said, my ability to draw on tablet is rusty at best (as evidenced by the class A art you see up there) so his full-length comics may be some time in...
  4. silverember

    Furry Douchebag Roommate

    Let me start this story by saying that I love my cat.That said, my cat is a furry douchebag.Pets are odd creatures. Part child, part roommate, part friend, they possess an odd combination of needs, benefits, and bizarre drawbacks.  Cats, for insta...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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