1. @lmccuist0

    Saddle Bags

    This assignment asked us to show what’s in our character’s bag. My character, Danny Keys, has an interesting assortment of items. He keeps a messenger bag on him at all times, just in case he needs anything out of it. In this old thing typically lies a little notebook and pen, for any notes or … Continue reading Saddle Bags
  2. @chrissy_gaul

    Record Breakers

    Photoblitz I started the photoblitz at 3:03 PM “Find a grid pattern somewhere (brick sidewalk or ceiling tiles)” This is a picture of my fireplace mantle at home. I tried to change my perspective/ angle to show the contrast in the brick. “Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry.” Here, I’m […]
  3. @skyhiser

    Fun with fonts

    So, for this assignment, I decided to take my newly downloaded Brady Bunch font abroad. The assignment was to recreate a popular logo using a new font. I searched around for silly and crazy fonts for a bit before deciding to use the Brady font I downloaded for another assignment, but I just didn’t find […]
  4. @skyhiser

    Drawing Babies

    For this 2 star assignment, I was supposed to take an image and turn it into a pencil drawing. I made two attempts at it because I did not like the first one. I didn’t care much for the second one either. I chose this assignment because it involved manipulating images in ways that I […]
  5. @chrissy_gaul

    Say “Norbert Numbat” Five Times Fast

    Assignment: Your Love For Your Pet 3.5 Stars Assignment Description: “Make a collage out of photos of your pet (or your favorite animal)! Either take past photos or take photos throughout the week that show how cute or how funny they can be! ” Howdy: It’s Dr. Wisdom here. You might have heard of me through all of […]
  6. @jsteele_ds106


    I was never really exposed to black and white movies growing up. So I’ve never had much interest in watching them, I’m not sure why I have the bias but to me if its black and white then the movie must be boring. Well thats not true, and after watching Stagecoach I learned that. Stagecoach … Continue reading Cinematography
  7. @chrissy_gaul

    Highlight of the Day: I touched a Dog

    Visual Assignment:Bring Your Pet to School 4 stars Assignment Description: “Do you miss your pet while you are in school? Do you ever wish that you could bring your pet to school with you? This tutorial assignment will allow your dream to come true. You can use GIMP or other photo edit software to place your […]
  8. @chrissy_gaul

    Model Shots

    Visual Assignment: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch Assignment Description: “Most everyone has seen the infamous picture of The Brady Bunch where everyone in the family is showcased in their own personal box. Now it’s your turn!! Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be […]
  9. @its_kellbell

    Guess What?

    So for this assignment, I decided to take a close up picture of something Marlene would keep in the saloon. It’s something that almost everyone coming in would use. I took the picture on a surface similar to one you would find in a saloon and tried to darken the lighting as it would be … Continue reading "Guess What?"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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