1. jmcmahan46

    Spooky Sound Track

    https://soundcloud.com/jmcmahan-595320758/spooky-night I found wolves howling, wind howling, owls hooting, and cats fighting on sound cloud.  I mixed then together in Audacity and uploaded it back to sound cloud. This was my first run at Audacity, I truly hope you enjoy it.
  2. jmcmahan46

    Radio show ideas!

    The idea that I would like to float is a re-make and condensed version of the iconic Orson Welles broadcast “War of the worlds. If you are interested here is a link to the transcript http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/mars/wow.htm.  The transcript can be tweaked a little with modern names, cities, and music. You can listen to the broadcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzC3Fg_rRJM. […]
  3. jmcmahan46

    Print all over me!

    I added scorpions to my picture. The scorpions are courtesy of http://www.freevector.com/. I just cut and pasted them to a photo of me in windows paint. I was trying to stay with the horror theme for the class. Scorpions on my body would be truly horrifying.
  4. The Front Page

    End of week review 9-20-15

    This is my end of week review video. and also links to each of my assignments This is a review of a few movies that I choose to view and comment on http://digitalmediakiller.com/creative-work/the-note-review-review/ this is my paranormal picture as well as a little write up video on the photo http://digitalmediakiller.com/creative-work/paranormal-picture/ Assignment bank: digital tool tutorial […]
  5. The Front Page


    These are the photos for my 20 min photo blitz. There is nothing particularly technical about these pictures and the assignment doesn’t really have any basis in story telling. I think the idea of the photo blitz is ment to be fun however it just seemed to be busy work. At any rate here are […]
  6. kochnick

    Weekly Wrap-Up

    Wow! What a week. Let’s see if we can get through this before starting on week 5. Here we go: Think about the visuals of storytelling: Click here to read this blog post Reflect on cinematography: Click here to read this blog post Create a paranormal image: Click here to read this blog post 12 stars worth of … Continue reading
  7. The Front Page

    Reflecting on Photography

    In Photography there are many methods to garbing a great shot. In the world of taking pictures there is a saying that I always thought rang true, and that is “There is no lucky photographers just prepared photographers.” Here are a few of my shots that I thought could sum up the shots listed on […]
  8. kochnick

    20 minute Photoblitz!

    Take a photo using a camera setting that you are unfamiliar with. Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. Numbers are all around you. Find your favorite number. Take a photo depicting the weather. The edge of a knife, the waters edge, or some other edge. They’re all around. Make … Continue reading
  9. kochnick

    Design A Creepy Photo

    I actually find this really creepy. For me, I do not find gory things creepy. Heck, I don’t even think that “creepy” faces are that creepy. If i was walking around the woods and I spotted that in the distance, I would crap my pants and turn and run, never looking back.
  10. The Front Page

    Steady as she goes (5stars)

    For this week I decided to make up my own assignment. It is a short commercial for a tool I created called a steady cam rig. The purpose of this tool is to keep your camera footage steady while shooting off-hand. Next week I will be posting a tutorial on how to build the steady […]
  11. jmcmahan46

    Week 4 Summary

    Week 4 is now done. It was not a bad week and I learned quit a bit. The first assignment required some reading about photography. I then discussed what I use photography for and what techniques or practices I could use to improve. https://jmcmahan1.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/photoreflection/. For the most part I take pictures for random reasons. Step 2 […]
  12. jmcmahan46


    I started at 8:14.  The next picture I was trying to make something small look big.  Art work on one of my toes.   The severed leg is for death. It didn’t hurt too bad.  A pink flash light for the color pink.   This photo of the shoe is to emphasize the color red.   The end time.    I was […]
  13. kochnick

    Reflect on Cinematography

    Instead of reviewing one of the listed movies on the website, I decided to take it another direction and go with “Paranormal Activity.” This movie is literally all about catching people off guard. Very scary, and it was a very cheap production. The jittery film cost around $15,000 to produce, and brought in just around … Continue reading
  14. jmcmahan46

    Recreate Your Optical Illusions

    To complete this assignment I watched the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVgOLWVYytM . I then looked at the handles on the fire-place tools and they appeared warped.  Then I took a picture of the fireplace tools and opened it in Adobe Photoshop. I used the warp feature and warped the handles until they resembled what I saw after watching […]
  15. jmcmahan46

    Color Changer

    This assignment required that you change the color on a photo. I took the original photo and uploaded it to Adobe Photoshop.  I then adjusted the color and hue until I found an appearance that I liked.  This is the original photo.
  16. jmcmahan46

    Paranormal Image.

    This is my paranormal image for the week.  To shoot it I had my 11 year old son move across the living room.  I photographed him with the lights on using the night time mode on my digital camera.  This slows the shutter speed down which creates a blurred image if the target is moving.
  17. The Front Page

    20sec Radio Ad (3 stars)

    Here is my 20 second radio spot. The artist being advertised’s name is Ethan A.M he will be playing the muse ball room Oct 3rd. Give him a listen on YouTube. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/ds106-radio-commercial/ https://www.facebook.com/EthanAMMusic
  18. kochnick

    Photography Thoughts

    I’ve always found photography interesting, I feel that if you can take the photo right, you can take a piece of the memory and the feeling along with the shot. At least that is kind of where I stand. Let me go over my upbringing a bit, and then I will talk about how that … Continue reading
  19. jmcmahan46

    An Old Photo?

    This is one of my Team Roping Horses.  She is about 7 years old.  I took this picture today and followed the tutorials, this was the end result.  Here is the picture that I started with. I think this was pretty cool to do.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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