1. The Front Page

    digital tool tutorial (5stars)

    For my Digital tool tutorial I chose buffer, an online social media management tool. for more social media management tools check out this short article https://blog.dashburst.com/best-social-media-management-tools/ Link to buffer’s web site: https://buffer.com  this is the link to the assignment on DS106 web site : http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/find-a-digital-tool/  
  2. jmcmahan46

    The Shinning

    First of all,  I never get tired of watching Jack Nicholson movies, there seems to always be some ultra dark side to his character. Some of the photography things that noticed were awesome.  I had seen the movie before but this time I saw a few things that I had missed in the past. There […]
  3. jmcmahan46

    Pop Star out of Place

    I really have no use for Pop Stars but here it is.  Katy Perry at McDonald’s. It’s not probable that you would run into Katy at your local McDonald’s. I cropped a her photo out of a super bowl picture and placed it on a random picture of a McDonald’s restaurant.
  4. Digitial Media Killer

    The note review…review

    I felt that the movies used for this week were how you say done to death. In fact I am sure most of us have seen at least the shining and the ring a ton of times. We all know they are cinematic masterpieces and the way the story’s are told is brilliant. The ring […]
  5. jmcmahan46


    When I think about it I do take allot of pictures.  I have two trail camera’s set up as we speak. Like most people I also take an abundance of cell phone pictures for different reasons. Like this next picture I took to show the gentleman at the parts counter what I was looking for, […]
  6. wshelton7

    Welcome to my Nightmare – Week 2

    Storytelling 2.0 Indeed. Another week has gone by and we look into the world of online storytelling even further with Bryan Alexander’s “Web 2.0 Storytelling”. So much insight in this piece because it talks about a new era of storytelling with this age of the internet that we live in.           Slenderman,…
  7. wshelton7

    Tales of the Crypt, and other stories

    Reading ‘Last Respects’ from Tales of the Crypt re-opened my interests for spooky tales and stories a bit further. Sometimes I like older shows and media, and the comic style really brought it back to me. For me, I put myself in the mindset of a person who might have been reading this a long…
  8. Digitial Media Killer

    sharing credit (4 stars)

            For this assignment My self and Mary Ewers co wrote a story. The assignment called for each writer to post 4 times. I began the story and Mary finished it. While writing the story I tried to be descriptive without giving any of the story away. I liked working with Mary […]
  9. jmcmahan46

    Week 3-Summary

    Week 3 started off a little rocky, but ended well.  I believe at this point I may have this to a system.  It’s getting easier to come up with the daily create ideas. We were required to read a Tales from the Crypt story called Last Respects. Last respects was an interesting short story.  Of […]
  10. kochnick

    Week 3 Summary

    Damn, week 3 is over already? Hard to believe! Let’s take a look into what week 3 consisted of, shall we? Read Some Horror: In class, we talked about “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. Please check out my blog post here to ready more about that. Write a Host Character: Easy! Check out my blog … Continue reading
  11. kochnick

    When And Where You Want To Live

    Assignment name: When And Where You Want To Live Stars: 2.5 Assignment Link This assignment is pretty neat. It really gives you a good chance to let your mind roam free, and to explore your dream house. This isn’t the exact house that I want when I get older, but it’s pretty freakin’ close. There … Continue reading
  12. kochnick

    Make a T-Shirt

    Assignment name: Create a T-Shirt Stars: 2 Assignment Link For this assignment, we were to creat a t-shirt. Here is one that I made for KSU-Salina, and oddly enough, I am wearing as I am typing this.. ( ._.) Enjoy!
  13. kochnick

    Pop Star out of Place

    Assignment name: Pop Star out of Place Stars: 4.5 Assignment Link Now I personally don’t think that this was worth 4.5 stars, but I couldn’t resist. Now, if you don’t get the reference to my photo, please watch the video below and you’ll then understand the humor behind it. Enjoy!!
  14. Digitial Media Killer

    Music Video (5starts)

    For this project I have decided to make a music video. Probably because it was worth five stars so hopefully I will have extra stars to make up for last weeks mishaps. Any way after watching the video scroll down for a walk through my editing in a fall...
  15. jmcmahan46

    Pair Lane

    Today’s daily create is to take the title on a movie and change one letter.  Then you had to draw a scene from the new movie. I looked through movie title and found Airplane.  I moved the P and wallah Pair Lane!
  16. jmcmahan46

    Anonymous Host

    This is the Anonymous Host.  He has no name or face, he is simply a shadow.  He hides in the shadows to see and hear your story.  He goes unnoticed but see’s and hears everything. He will tell your tale and do it without bias. He insures that he does not become a part of the […]
  17. jmcmahan46

    Vonnegut’s method-Last Respects

    I will use Vonnegut’s method, I will attempt to map the shape of the story. I prefer cliff’s over stairs. The story starts off at a low spot when Anthony enters the cemetery.  It goes lower when he finds her grave. Then we have a back flash to the fair.  So we are at good […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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