1. jlaszako

    A Curious Child: A Four Icon Story

    My third and final character design assignment I chose to do was One Story / Four Icons. It was one of the suggested ones and I already felt like I had an idea of what I could do for it based on the book cover assignment. I chose to emphasize again what would be emphasized in […]
  2. jlaszako

    Isabelle’s Quote to Live By

    Another assignment I chose to do was Minimalize Your Philosophy poster for 2.5 stars. I chose to use the quote that I also used on my book cover because it’s a great quote to live by for Isabelle Franklin. It was one of the original quotes I mentioned when beginning to outline who Isabelle Franklin […]
  3. 3lilangels


    I shopped and I walked around the Kids Expo in Fredericksburg and it was very difficult. Most of what I found was simply poster type ads. I was able to come up with 10 photos/images and they are posted in my Design  Blitz album in Flickr. It was kind of cool trying to find things … Continue reading DesignBlitz
  4. jlaszako

    A Curious Child by Isabelle Franklin

    One of the design assignments I chose to do for this week was for my character, Isabelle Franklin. I chose to do the Autobiography Cover design assignment for 2 stars. I used a picture I actually took for my photo safari assignment of my friend, Kelly, working in the lab. I really liked the angle […]
  5. jlaszako

    Copyright Laws: They’re a little slippery

    I was really excited to read about the copyright stuff for the week because it brings me back to a discussion I had in Theory of Knowledge my senior year. Part of our final grade was to create a 20 minute presentation on a current issue and discuss through the 6 areas of knowledge and […]
  6. hungrymax

    Fair Use


    So we learned about some copyright law, its history, and as it stands today. I found it interesting that “fair use” isn’t a right per se, just a “legally defensible position” and that there aren’t really any rules. If you want to use a piece of media, there’s no sure way to protect against a lawsuit besides paying for the… Read more →

  7. lepps2

    Breathing’s just a rhythm

    flickr really messed up my saturation and it’s making me upset. it’s showing up too uber saturated and i can’t figure out why. anyway i did the lyric typography poster assignment and did regina sektor’s song ‘one more time with feeling’ because she’s the artist I listen to on repeat when I’m sad, which I […]
  8. hungrymax

    Vignelli Canon


    Well, it was interesting. There was a lot of…I guess thoeretical?….talk at the beginning. Conceptual. Like nothing that you can turn around and DO something with, which was kind of annoying. Hostly after the first few paragraphs I just skimmed. It was all so abstract it got sort of annoying, like a little pretentious, you know? but I mean I… Read more →

  9. lfalkens

    Welcome to Tarmart

      The Ultimate Merger (4 1/2 Stars) For this assignment I chose to combine the logos for the two popular stores, Walmart and Target. They actually both have very similar logos…
  10. jlaszako

    Learning about design!

    Well, it’s undoubtedly a late start to the week. But with two exams worth 20% each in those classes I think ds106 was worth putting off. Just makes this weekend a little hectic, but do-able! So here we go, the first assignment of the week was to read the booklet, The Vignelli Canon by Massimo […]
  11. hungrymax

    Create Your Own Magic Cards


    four stars: So I am a huge fan of Magic: The Gathering. I have many cards and still play regularly, as do many of my friends. So I was super psyched to see that there was an assignment where we get to create our own. I made four cards, all creatures. The first is Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro. I… Read more →

  12. konarheim

    Design: Form

    Wikipedia Definition of Form: Form may be described as any three-dimensional object. Form can be measured, from top to bottom (height), side to side (width), and from back to front (depth). Form is also defined by light and dark. It … Continue reading
  13. jcpds106

    Qualities of a noir hero

    This assignment was not too difficult at all, and, of course, I like any assignments that let me add new dimensions to my character. Additionally, since it wasn’t a terribly difficult assignment I got to play around with features on gimp that I hadn’t tried out yet, including color filling and text boxes.  I liked […]
  14. jcpds106

    Can I be honest for a minute

        I thought this assignment was really funny, and I knew I wanted to do it, but it was hard for me to decide (1) what movie to do and (2) what the truthful title would be. I looked through some examples, but I couldn’t think of a movie where I could play with the […]
  15. jcpds106

    Flashing covers

      When this week’s noir106 assignment list said for us to challenge ourselves with a four star assignment, I never expected the challenge to be this hard. I knew that this would be a daunting assignment, but all the great examples made me think, hey, I can do this. I’ve worked with gimp a lot lately. […]
  16. jcpds106

    Get off the stage!

          So I guess design week is where we really get our hands dirty with picture editing programs. This assignment took a lot of playing around on gimp, a lot of googling, a lot of youtube tutorials, and a lot of me getting mad at my computer for not working fast enough. I started […]

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