1. lepps2

    yeah so self portraits are a thing

    This is for the cartoon you assignment! It’s me in my favorite dress (which I can’t wear because somebody got a bit carried away with the weather). I just did it in my sketchbook with pencil and colored pencils. Then I cropped it and added contrast in photoshop so you could see it better. Also […]
  2. lepps2

    © is for copyright that’s good enough for me

    Copyright is something I’m always on the lookout for. I always worry about using other people’s images because they worked hard to get those and I know that I wouldn’t want anybody to use my things without permission. However if the person is not claiming the image as their own or making any money off […]
  3. lepps2

    one word

    okay this assignment was way too easy. honestly it should have been worth one point. I don’t know maybe it would be harder for somebody who has no graphic design experience. The assignment is to write one word and not use an color or effects or anything and let the font speak for the tone […]
  4. lepps2

    pretty poster project

    Okay so in high school I did this project for a yard sale that the school was doing so for the promotional flyer assignment I picked up that old file, dusted it off, spruced up the font choices and here we are. It’s all done in illustrator and the fonts used are from dafont. I […]
  5. lepps2

    illustrator on point

    Ds106 wallpaper! heck yeah! Initially my plan was to make it just a starry sky as Cleo would see it if the gang spent the night camping in the car, and then I decided that a rocket ship would be cool to add. Who cares if rocket ships hadn’t been invented in their time? it […]
  6. lepps2

    good movie but is it time for bed yet?

    Okay so ‘Double Indemnity.’ I watched this one cause it was the only free one. In retrospect it probably wouldn’t have mattered if I spent two bucks to watch a different one, but whatever. I’m writing this up now at two a.m. because  I just finished the movie and want to get my thoughts down before […]
  7. lepps2

    Breathing’s just a rhythm

    flickr really messed up my saturation and it’s making me upset. it’s showing up too uber saturated and i can’t figure out why. anyway i did the lyric typography poster assignment and did regina sektor’s song ‘one more time with feeling’ because she’s the artist I listen to on repeat when I’m sad, which I […]
  8. sgrubbs2

    Noir106 Tips & Tricks with Maggie Black: Week 5

    A winter night at a university campus that knows how to use its digital tools, one DKC tutor is still trying to find the answers to Noir106’s persistent questions… Maggie Black. It’s been a crazy week thus far for Noir106. Groom’s missing. The Russians are after Bond for some reason. El Jota’s got a connection…
  9. lepps2


    Alright there’s a lot here because I love design a lot, so brace yourself. Also I didn’t realize that we were only supposed to do four, and I… well I did all but one. opps. Guess I’ll read more carefully next time, but I really didn’t mind because I enjoy design so much. And another […]
  10. lepps2

    Design is fine and I really hate papyrus

    Oh my goodness I love this week already. If I weren’t going into teaching I’d be going into graphic design. So this week is like heaven for me! I’m ready to dive right in! The Vignelli book was amazing. Everything in there, I just kept trying to absorb as much as I could, and honestly I’ll […]
  11. sgrubbs2

    Week 5: The Design of Noir

    Week 5 will be focused on the design of noir. For this week you will be ramping up your command of image editing as well as closely considering design elements such as color, font, iconography, etc. Additionally, you will be required to reflect on questions of copyright as it relates to creative works online. Read…
  12. lepps2

    Can you hear me now? it’s the end of week 4

    My Posts: Assignments Ringtone (1 1/2 points) Emotion through sounds (3 points) Story through sounds (3 1/2 points) Radio Bumper Daily Creates Sorry Dot day Other Posts audio reflection radio show ideas Okay so audacity didn’t come as easily to me as I initially thought. But I’m used to working in layers like in photoshop, […]
  13. lepps2

    Ring, ring, hello? Is audio week over yet?

    In this project I got to play around more with echo and pitch effects. It was to make a new ringtone, and here’s what I came up with. I usually like a ringtone that sounds more like an actual phone so I started off with this.  And then I changed the pitch and added an […]
  14. lepps2


    I’ve been struggling trying to come up with some sort of idea for this radio show. I just couldn’t come up with anything at all. Then when I was going through my posts I looked at my audio reflection post which I’d titled ‘video killed the radio star’ as a joke, but then I got […]
  15. lepps2

    video killed the radio star

    Sometimes grandparents are shocked if you know anything about the past. In ‘A Christmas Story’ when Ralphie listens to ‘Little Orphan Annie’ on the radio, my grandma will point to the screen and point and ask my little brother if he knows what that is and “isn’t interesting that they had that instead of tv?” […]
  16. lepps2

    On the Radio – uh oh

    This whole day every time I think about radio I keep getting Regina Spektor’s ‘On the Radio’ stuck in my head, hence the title. Anyway, here’s my radio bumper. The music might seem a bit familiar cause I used the song Groom has on his blog trailer. I thought it sounded super spooky and perfect […]
  17. lepps2

    find your peace

    If snow falling made a sound, I would have included it in this. The assignment was to convey an emotion through sounds, and the emotion I chose was peace. I guess it’s not so much an emotion and more of a feeling, but I went with it anyway.  It starts off with ocean waves that […]
  18. lepps2

    it’s a start

    Here is my first audacity audio project, which I’m calling ‘armed robbery.’ It’s for the sound effects story assignment, in which we were to create a story using only sound effects. I decided to go along with my character, Cleo Barrow (a spin on Clyde of Bonnie and Clyde), on a bank robbery. To set […]
  19. sgrubbs2

    Noir106 Tips & Tricks with Maggie Black Week 4

    A winter night at a university campus that knows how to use its digital tools, one DKC tutor is still trying to find the answers to Noir106’s persistent questions… Maggie Black. It’s a challenging and frustrating week for many in Noir106. Audacity and audio assignments are a challenging case to tackle, requiring time and attention…
  20. lepps2


    You can tell I really like a daily create if I bother to share it on here too. The prompt was to put text on a picture and have it related to being sorry, so I made it a response to being sorry. In case anyone was wondering, that title is the word aesthetic in […]
  21. sgrubbs2

    Week Four: Audio Storytelling

    This week we will dig into audio storytelling. That goes beyond the words and tone of voice to include sound effects, background noise and music. We will be asking you to consider how these subliminal elements impact the story. We are also introducing ds106 radio (an open, Web-based, community radio station)  this week, where we will be broadcasting noir-ish tales Monday - Thursday from 9-10PM.We will also begin experimenting with audio production. We strongly recommend Audacity, a free and open source audio-editing program, further details below. If you have access to and experience with a different audio editing system, you are free to use it instead.
  22. lepps2

    So Glad That’s Over!

    Ew this week I ended up getting sick- twice! I was worried I wouldn’t have time to do everything, but I did! Photography  reflection Cinematography reflection Photo Safari Daily Creates: un deux trois And assignments: (3 points) What’s in your bag?  (3 points) Poetry Art (2 points) Putting Disney in Focus (2 points) Text on […]
  23. lepps2

    Ah this is where being a total nerd pays off

    I found the assignment to put text over a gif and luckily I was already working on something like that for my disney blog (which i have because I’m a total nerd). So I picked it up and polished it off to use for this. wow totally lame right? I used this little program I found called […]
  24. lepps2

    Can I make this any more obvious?

    Okay so I’m taking on the putting disney in focus assignment. I saw somebody else had used a photo from a trip to France and I jumped at the bit to use a picture from my trip to disney world.  So an important symbol from the movie Tangled is the sun which is on the […]
  25. lepps2

    Out and About

    And now it’s time for a photo safari! All the images were taken by me and edited in photoshop. most of what I did was play around with the levels and curves, so nothing too drastic, but enough to make a difference. My first image I just happened to be there at the right moment […]
  26. lepps2

    Really What Else Would You Expect?

    For my take on the what’s in your bag assignment I’m doing in from the perspective of my character Cleo Barrow, a bank robber. I could’ve gone into detail and included her favorite lipstick which makes her look super sassy, but she doesn’t care enough to touch up her make up through the day, or I could’ve […]
  27. lepps2

    [sin?m??tä?r?f?] cinematography

    Woo! It’s time for noir cinematography reflections! First up I took a look at Killer’s Kiss.   I really liked this shot. The banister and molding on the wall points to the center screen drawing your eye right to Gloria and making her the focal point. Then she appears darker than the bright tiles behind her, […]
  28. lepps2

    Photography and All That Jazz

    I’ve never been that into photography. I always leaned more toward design and drawing and creating my own thing rather than capturing an image. I think of all the info we were assigned to review that the video by Jason Eskenazi in the section of the ds106 handbook was the most eye opening and inspiring for […]
  29. lepps2

    The Street Girl

    (cont.) Time was when I’d gladly have listened, Before I was tainted with shame, But it wouldn’t be fair to you honey; Men laugh when they mention my name.Back there on the farm in Nebraska, I might have said yes to you then, But I thought the world was a playground; Just teeming with Santa […]
  30. sgrubbs2

    Noir106 Tips & Tricks with Maggie Black: Week 3

    A winter night at a university campus that knows how to use its digital tools, one DKC tutor is still trying to find the answers to Noir106’s persistent questions… Maggie Black. I know I’ve been quiet for a while now. Too long in the world of the internet. Burtis has me out on the field…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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