1. steborgesnizama

    Evolution of Technology in the Classroom

    Thursday’s (2/6/14) Class was mostly concentrated on the change that technology and the use of technology brings about in the field of Education. Today’s system of education is very different than that of the 1980s. What was once done verbally and personally is now done electronically and through different mediums. I found this really interesting […]
  2. alyssarae

    Richard Dawkins, “Net Gain”

    Man, Richard Dawkins hates religion. The sum of this essay is that we are now connected in a way that seemed impossible years ago, and that will seem silly years from now. This interconnection is turning us into a kind-of organism, or is blurring the line between self and society, in that systems of inter-/intra-communication […]
  3. jaelen_31

    Daily create 2/6

    The first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone for any notifications. Then I will spend about a half our going down my timeline on Facebook. If there is any drama worth looking into it may take me an additional 15 minutes to investigate. Then I will spend about 10 minutes […]
  4. vikashram92

    Daily Create: Write a blog post about your daily Internet go to. What is part of your daily routine and why? What would life be like without it?

    My daily internet go to sites consist of first reading the news which I read from either from Yahoo news or BBC. Both these sites allow me to pick and choose what I want to read relating to the news. Along with these sites I also browse reddit which carries both news and entertainment information. […]
  5. steborgesnizama

    Daily Internet Routine

    What is part of your daily routine and why? What would life be like without it? Before technology and the internet were things that you had because you could have it. It was a luxury. However now in this day in age, technology and the internet have become a necessity to us. It has become […]
  6. justinealexis993

    My Internet Routine

    8 a.m.- Wake up and alternate between Twitter, Facebook and Instagram 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.- Decide between whether to tweet or not, ultimately end up tweeting. 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.- Vow to do homework, instead distract yourself with Buzzfeed articles. 5 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Work on homework, end up on a Wikipedia article […]
  7. cjkoenderman

    My Internet Go To aka My Internet Reliance

    My daily Internet go to cannot be easily explained without first discussing my daily technology go to: my cell phone. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without my phone; other times, I want to lock my phone in a drawer and never take it out. Nevertheless, every single morning, one of the fist things […]
  8. alyssarae

    Daily Create #4: Zoho.com

    My daily internet go-to is Zoho Mail. I’m an e-mail addict–I check it about every 20 minutes, even though Zoho Mail gets pushed to my iPhone and iPad, and I usually have a tab open so I can see if something comes in. I used to use Outlook through my school, but when I learned […]
  9. alyssarae

    Sherry Turkle, “How Computers Change the Way We Think”

    This article suffers from many of the classic flaws in discriminatory and invalidating thinking about computers/the computing generation that I’ve explored in other annotations, but I think some of them are successfully answered by Gardner & Davis and others. Turkle argues that growing up using computers has changed the ways that students think–not in the […]
  10. alyssarae

    Howard Gardner and Katie Davis, The App Generation

    I read around in this book, though one day when I have time, I’d like to sit down and read the rest. Overall, I’m not appalled by this, which is more than I can say for most publications about the app/millennial/me/digital/digital native generation. Jeez, I think we should be called the label generation. What I […]
  11. ngubelli

    Internet & it’s Go-To


    It’s crazy to think that the internet is constantly at my finger tips.  Nearly every ounce of technology I own I am in contact with the internet.  My phone, my television, my laptop, my desktop, my IPad, my Kindle… you get the idea.  No matter what, I am always updating a picture or my feed on some social site or sending out blast e-mails.  I can’t imagine my life without e-mail or social media.  I know it would take time to get used to which would eventually be worth it but still.  The idea of immediacy and accuracy is insane. For example, today my classes were cancelled.  I knew this because I got an e-mail straight to my phone which I checked laying in bed this morning… I didn’t even have to get out of bed!  Later on, all classes were cancelled and I only knew this because of an instagram post via my school’s intsagram account.

    The technology… the immediacy… it’s all so crazy. But a world without it seems slightly crazier.

  12. travisj


    No class today. Keep reading and we’ll play catch up on Thursday. Post your daily creates to your new blog. Stay safe and warm!
  13. michael.r

    3D Printing is the Future

    3D Printing is the Future If you haven’t heard of 3D printing just yet, don’t worry you are not alone. This new process of manufacturing will cut down both costs and time required to make goods. 3D printers are  now available for consumption and users are making everything from children’s toys, to fully functional guns. […]
  14. cjkoenderman

    I am…what I read.

    In class, we were asked to think on the question: “If you are what you read, then who are you?” This question was posed in relation to Leah Price’s New York Times article “You are What You Read.” In her article she explores the history of reading and how it has developed into many different […]
  15. cjkoenderman

    Welcome to my “kreative korner!”

    Hello, All! Welcome to my new blog, Koenderman’s Korner, written for my current university undergraduate class: English Studies in the Digital Age. I’m happy you’re following me as I navigate blogging in this “digital age.” It seems only fitting that I should include my relationship to technology in this first post. My relationship to technology […]
  16. alyssarae

    Marc Prensky, “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants,” or, getting my “digital natives” rant out of the way now.

    This article makes an appeal to educators to accept that the students they teach are different from those of the past, mainly because of the introduction of computer technology into the everyday lives of those students at an early age. He asserts that teachers need to adapt to and learn the digital language, as they […]
  17. alyssarae

    Stephen Ramsay, “Writing as Programming as Writing”

    Ramsay and Rockwell’s animation of a dialogue makes arguments for and against considering computer coding and programming as language/text/writing. Ultimately, I agree with the idea that it is language, because it is communicative (regardless of its constriction), it is governed by rules, and it works through substitution of signifiers for signifieds–our minds interpret and “look […]
  18. alyssarae

    Leah Price, “You Are What You Read”

    Price takes down the NEA’s report, “to read or not to read,” which draws correlation between readers and those who are fit, active, happy,  kinder, better citizens. However, the report narrows reading to reading for “literary experience,” excluding reading done for school or work, nonfiction, daily reading in labels and records and correspondence, and surfing […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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