1. ngubelli

    Story Board


    I want to use that medium, telescopic text, to tell the story of getting my spine fused six years ago.  It’s something I don’t really talk about any nor do many people know because my scar i hidden, but I feel like it may make so an interesting story.  I want to maybe use poetic language or a poetic form which the story unfolds, but all in all I want it to be the story of being aware of scoliosis and my struggle of living with it.  

    I also want to bring into it how I am now and possible include my X-rays but I’m not entirely sure how I will do this.  That I’ve still go to figure out.

    My response to my creative project will go into depth the thought process and what I hoped I achieved my audience to receive from my creative project. 

  2. jaelen_31

    Final project inspired by The Circle

    My final project is to go transparent for a day. I have been looking on the internet on how I can do that. I really want it to be streamed live. There is an app called Ustream. This app allows you to stream live video from your iPhone directly onto the internet. I haven’t tried […]
  3. travisj

    Going Transparent

    Stephanie blogs about an article she found on using Google Glass and going transparent: google glass post a comment on her blog… TRIGGER WARNING: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
  4. steborgesnizama

    Being Transparent

    TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic Violence. Discretion advised. In class today we talked about becoming or being transparent (for a day) as a creative idea for our final project. Just when we thought that this was something that no one had ever thought about – we are proven wrong. I just found a website in where a […]
  5. steborgesnizama

    Brainstorming for Final Project

    I want to take the option of writing a critical piece for my final project. I want to concentrate on one of two things: privacy and education.  As many may already know in the class I am very interested in how our privacy rights are slowly being challenged in this new digital era. In “The Circle,” we […]
  6. asanchez92

    The Circle: A Review

    I would actually like to keep this review of The Circle as general short, sweet, simple and painless as possible, because if I do talk about it in length, it will only turn into an angry rant that would do nothing for the integrity of the book.So in ge...
  7. asanchez92

    The Circle: A look at a Character

    There are just so many characters I want to talk about: Mae, Kalden, creepy Francis...But there is one I actually want to focus on for the sake of this response: Mercer.Mercer is the ex-boyfriend of protagonist Mae Holland. They really don't seem to ge...
  8. asanchez92

    The Circle: Aphorisms

    ALL THAT HAPPENS MUST BE KNOWNIt is one of the earlier aphorisms we see in The Circle, probably, as the story goes on, one of the least... unsettling (surprising, I know). It is here we start to get a feel of what The Circle (as a company) entails. The...
  9. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    The Circle has no end. Everything is connected and the end eventually will lead to the beginning. The circle is closed. and that is where Mae Holland is. She is closed. Completely closed from privacy. She is not a thief, she shares everything, and she eventually will be a top rated employee. But she is […]
  10. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    http://productivemuslim.com/the-attitude-of-gratitude-a-productive-muslims-approach-to-life/ OK, so this is not an annoying way to advocate Islam, but seriously, after reading this article, I thought that the best part of it teaches an important life lesson: TO BE GRATEFUL!!!! Aaaaaaah!!! It is such a shame that we are taught to be competitors and in some way humans are greedy, be […]
  11. ngubelli

    My Final Project


    I’ve decided to use the website: http://www.telescopictext.org/ and create a story via this website.  It is a very interesting website in that each word that is clicked on brings about a new type of story of sentence.  All of this is personal and you can change the words and sentences as you please. 

    I believe that this will be an interesting project because it has a personal.creative approach to it, yet it is entirely “English oriented” in the sense that I will be creating a literary work of some sort.  I want to try and figure out how I can incorporate visuals to the the telescopic text if possible.  I plan to try things that are out of the obvious when it comes to the website.

    I am eager to begin writing because this will be my first time using telescopic text at all and I look forward to seeing how it comes out. 

  12. alyssarae

    Foucault, Surveillance, and the Digital Confessional

    That’s a tentative title, of course.   For my final project for English in the Digital Age, for the sake of this blog and all of you, my lovely followers, and for the sake of knowledge and communities of critical thought, I will be developing a critical, multimedia essay reading social media through a Foucauldian […]
  13. justinealexis993

    The Circle- Review

    The Circle by Dave Eggers is a metaphor for the increasing role of technology and social media in today’s society. Readers are encouraged to view the effects of technology through the eyes of Mae Holland, a young woman who has just managed to get a job at The Circle. Initially, The Circle is a utopia of young […]
  14. ngubelli

    The Circle Response


    The passage which I will be responding to is when Mae goes to dinner with her parents and her mother explains to her that she saw an old friend and began “bragging” about how well Mae is doing and threw in the amount of money that she makes. 

    This scene made me laugh because all in all it was such a typical response as well as action of a proud parent.  Every parent wants to place their child in the spot light and Mae’s mother sure did here; talking up Mae and her job beyond belief (even though it is a very hot job), and throwing in her annual pay. 

    I guess it made me laugh because I can mostly see my own mother doing exactly this. ;P

  15. ngubelli

    UNICEF Tap Project

    UNICEF Tap Project: How long can you go without touching your phone? Giorgio Armani Fragrances will donate one day of clean water to a child in need for every 10 minutes you go without your phone. Take the challenge! Only a few days left!!
  16. ngubelli



    When I first read this I immediately thought “colt”! But as I thought more about this aphorism, I began to realize how very true this is today.  For instance, think about twitter, and instagram specifically… Both of these social media outlets create a sense of immediacy and telling specific instances.  I mean, you can even link your location to your tweets and instagram posts!  You are truly letting everyone who follows you (stalkers and all) to see into your daily life and then some.  What you had for breakfast, when you got your nails done, where you wen out with the girls last week, that you’re on vacation and your house is empty (hello…burglaries!), and so on…. the list goes on and on.  So as I read through the pages of The Circle, yes things seem kind of crazy at some points, but when you step back and let it process, you realize that we are already at a minute level of what is going on in the novel.

  17. alyssarae

    Review of Dave Eggers’ The Circle

    Just finished. I’m still reflecting, and I don’t often write reviews of books right after I finish them–gotta let it marinate. This one is certainly still marinating. But, if I don’t force myself to write it now, I don’t know if I’ll care enough to when I’m five days out. Overall, I like it much […]
  18. alyssarae

    Groupthink Moral Absolutism

    ‘Okay, with that kind of thing, one of two things will eventually happen. First, we’ll realize that whatever behavior we’re talking about is so widespread and harmless that it needn’t be secret. If we demystify it, if we admit that it’s something we all do, then it loses its power to shock. We move toward […]
  19. alyssarae

    Some thoughts on e- versus physical books

    Reading a physical book means I highlight differently. Reading a physical book means I can’t just drag my finger over a moment that fascinates me. Instead, I have to unsettle myself, find my pen, underline, attempt to annotate legibly, and maybe flip to the front of the book for a sticky tab. Reading a physical […]
  20. travisj


    Please finish The Circle for Thursday. Spoiler alert: we will be talking about events that happen toward the end of the novel. Please also consider your reading of Mae’s relationships: Annie, Kalden, Frances, Mercer, her parents… FYI: LuvLuv–no lulu!
  21. vikashram92

    Dave Egger’s The Circle

    There were multiple connections I made as I read through the circle that were kind of creepy. The first one occurred when the class mentioned that this company, which is trying to connect the world, is cult-like. This brought to mind Apple and the “Cult of Apple.” It was brought up a few years that […]

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