1. killacarms

    Remixing and Mashing up

    My title isn’t as creative as the assignments i completed in these past two weeks. Once again, our work was spread out between two weeks. It wasn’t as bad as last week which i waited to do until the last minute. That really sucked. I was more responsible this time and did my work in […]
  2. smreutter15

    Fast Forward

    For this assignment I used this picture of Daniels to age him.   I uploaded the photo into Gimp to make the edits. To make his face a bit droopier, I used the IWarp tool. This gave the effect of the baggy eyes and double chin. Then I used the airbrush tool to give him… Read More
  3. smreutter15

    Emoji This

    The first assignment I chose to do was Emoji This. I took 5 common emoji faces and then took pictures of Daniels expressing those emotions. Simply using paint, I copied pictures from Google and then used “different” facial expressions of Daniels. First we have Daniels’ serious face. He’s pretty serious most of the time. Next… Read More
  4. sydb

    th1rt33n and 4our1een

    Well I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving because I sure did! But after a nice, relaxing break, it’s time to get back to work! Daily Creates     This TDC has been left intentionally Blank –it’s also spelled wrong and I apologize!     R-R-R-REMIX Link to Remix Presentation Take a Walk in the Shoes of […]
  5. sydb

    Me, a Coach? Shut up!

                      It’s not quite the Princess Diaries, but there’s still the same reaction! Frank Sobotka just found out Ziggy’s soccer coach quit right before the big tournament! What is he going to do??   The object of this assignment is to create a GIF that shows feelings! Frank relates […]
  6. killacarms

    Stringer Saw It First

    For my last mashup assignment of the week, i went bold and chose the “Lip Read!” assignment worth 4.5 stars. I’ll be honest here, i chose it because it was worth 4 stars and i didn’t want to have to complete 2 more assignments worth 2 stars. BUT! I did enjoy making this. Since i […]
  7. dniepoko


    This assignment was perfect for Herc. Marlo stole Herc’s video camera, which Herc is risking his job over. Process: I used this website to create this poster. I downloaded the image of an old fashioned camera and the just uploaded it.
  8. dniepoko

    Motivational Herc Tutorial

    For the assignment I created on creating a motivational poster for a character from The Wire, I decided to do a tutorial. Here are the steps I used: Pick a character from The Wire. I picked Herc Find a picture you want to use. Then I uploaded the picture to this website And simply added the text and downloaded it.
  9. dniepoko

    Busy but thankful week!

    This week was about mashups, remixes and our final project. This week I submitted my two daily create ideas and did the two tutorials as well as completed the assignments.   The Wire Episode 5,6,7  The disappearance of Lex in a alleyway is getting more attention from police and the corner boys. Namond asserts that Chris is turning his victims into
  10. nrandall

    ReWeekly Mashup!

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Once again I bring you a bi-weekly on what has been going on, and trust me, a lot has been going on since you last visited (or if you have been visiting, this will be slightly new). Anywho, enough with my introduction rambling! Time to start off strong. The Wire Mayoral […]
  11. dniepoko

    Herc’s ID

    For this assignment on Herc, I thought it would be good to do an ID. Here is Herc’s business card, similar to what I’d think he’d handed out to Marlo in episode 8. Process: I searched for a business card of Baltimore Police and found a template, then I uploaded it into pixlr and erased the name already on the card. Since I
  12. bscites13

    Mash-Ups for Daaaayz

    These two weeks were a bit of a struggle for me. The first week I didn’t do much besides daily creates and watching episodes because my workload has been CRAZY. So thank you for giving us two weeks to do this stuff, I appreciate it. Also thank you for giving us until Monday because I […]
  13. wafflestomper

    Dark Days – Notes on S4:E 8, 9, 10

    Episode 8 “Corner Boys” – “We got our thing, but it’s just part of the big thing.” Zenobia Ahhh, poor Fuzzy Dunlop is getting blamed for providing bad intel. Colvin pointing out to the kids in the classroom that it’s their training ground for the corners later on and that it’s a safe environment for […]
  14. nixmem

    You’ll Never See Snoop The Same

    For my second DS106 Mash-Up/Remix assignment, the generator remixed “What’s the Meme?” with DS106-ercizing, to create this assignment (3 stars). I had to create a meme that also advertised DS106. My issue with this assignment is that I also wanted to include “The Wire”, so instead, I decided to create…
  15. nixmem

    Meet Gavin Memita!

    For my first Mash-Up/Remix assigment (ever!) I used the DS106 Remix Machine to generate a random remixed assignment. On my first go, I got an assignment (5 stars) that I was really interested in doing! The remixer wanted me to create an animated magazine cover, but introduce a character that…
  16. nixmem

    George Glekas’s Professional Background

    For my final project for DS106, I chose to use the character George “Double G” Glekas from The Wire Season 2. George Glekas is a member of The Greeks and the owner of Pyramid Inc., the front for The Greek’s smuggling operations. I thought it would be interesting (and highly…
  17. nixmem

    Meet Mrs. Brussel

    Daily Creates November 30, 2014 This daily create assignment wanted us to create a veggie friend for Linda Tatersmith. I decided to create a neighborly brussel sprout named Barb… she’s a sweet old brussel. December 1, 2014 A daily create error message? Done.
  18. bscites13

    That Boinging Rawls

    For my second assignment from Rawls’ point of view, I decided to do “That Bleeping Censor” (5 stars). I thought it would be funny, especially since on Rawls’ twitter I retweeted this: To Self-Censor or Not Self-Censor Your Blog? http://t.co/nDW6Sinhal #pr #publicity #language #adult #censorship #audience RT @ereleases — Baltimore News (@charmcitynews) December 1, 2014 […]
  19. bscites13

    Daily Creates Galore

    Daily Create #1: A 3:30 Sketch (that I did much later than that). I did the inspiration sketch quote last week. I chose one of my favorite quotes (Philippians 4:13) and drew it (?) if you can call it that. I used markers and a piece of paper and then took a picture of it […]
  20. bscites13


    For my remix assignment this week, I chose an assignment that looked fun, the A to Z food picture collage, and hit remix. The first one that came up was the “‘Stache it” assignment. I figured I could have some fun with that one, so I went for it. How I did it: I decided […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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