1. jayhamilton

    Reign In Productions

    For this project I wanted to do an animation based on the play of the word reign. Plus I also wanted to have a sand effect into a rain sequence. Below is the first part (of 4) of the tutorial that inspired me to do a similar intro. The difference with this project was that besides me adding my personalized touch, this assignment was done in class in less than 3 hours.
  2. dannyblaxon

    Dreaming is Weird

    As I fell asleep I seem to have stumbled on some crazy dream. I was just driving around in my moms car (I knew it was a dream because I can’t drive) But the world kept spinning and I was feeling every curve of the road and it was making me dizzy. i got on […] Continue reading
  3. johnnywonny

    The right direction

    Hello – as I told you all in my earlier post, this is new major for me.  that is the theme for my blog.  Johnnywonny has arrived.  I now know that i am going in the right direction.  CT is for me.  I currently do videography and some photography.  I assist friends and others in […] Continue reading
  4. tyty1994

    Copy if you have the Right

    Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. There is copyright because it is to encourage creativity by making it financially viable to create for a living. Larry Lessig said that “Every […] Continue reading
  5. jayhamilton

    Caribbean Humming Bird

    For this animation I chose to animate the Caribbean Airlines logo (seen below) using After Effects, which allowed me to use the puppet tool on the bird and write-on on the text, which is how they animate at the end of the commercial. I also used real ...
  6. jayhamilton

    Lost Ones Typography Short

    Let me first say that this was probably the toughest assignment I had in the motion graphics class and took me over the course of 3 days to complete. The task was to create a animation of a song that you liked. So we had to use audio effects, 3D layers & background effects for about 15 to 30 secs. I chose “Lost Ones” by Lauryn Hill because I consider it a classic from the 90s and I had a vision of how I wanted the clip to look. I knew going in I wanted to use 3D elements, but also words and symbols to be represent what was being […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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