Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. tdc week 7

    TDC #50: Take a picture of your favorite smell My favorite smell is the smell of clean laundry. Sometimes, I walk down the detergent aisle at grocery stores just to breathe it in. TDC #55: Take a picture of an...
  2. tdc week 6

    TDC #45: Say your name backwards I’ve always liked how my name sounds backwards because it sounds like a type of dinosaur. TDC #46: Make a short video of something cooking Here’s the story. I woke up one morning and...
  3. the durnk tank: episode one

    drunk* For the DS106 Radio Show assignment, I am in a group with Keelin, Ross and Danny (although, due to an unfortunate accident, he’s not with us at the moment…which obviously means we’d have to leave him a voicemail at...
  4. the dark mark

    For this assignment, I made Bellatrix Lestrange a business card. She is from the Harry Potter series, in case you didn’t know. Convicted of torturing Neville Longbottom’s parents into madness and completely devoted to her master, Lord Voldemort. I used...
  5. i’m not telling you

    i’m NOT TellING you tHe tItLe of this movie…you’Ll have to guess This movie is sort of obscure, so I included a not so subtle hint in this post. It’s another one of my favorite movies. I own the DVD...
  6. london calling

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to go to London. When I first started college, before I knew what I wanted to major in, I was sure that I wanted to study abroad. Now in my junior...
  7. antisocial

    For this design assignment, I chose to recreate the poster for the movie The Social Network, which is one of my favorite movies. “I was your only friend. You had one friend.”- Eduardo Saverin in The Social Network The Social...
  8. my week in words

    Busy Sore Different Indifferent Overload Study Exhausting Stuck Procrastinate Limits Perspective Trainwreck Mess Fixed *words above are in no particular order
  9. tdc week 5

    TDC #36: Take a photo of a food being served or eaten in an unconventional way Drinking two cocktails at once is pretty unconventional, is it not? Yes, this photo was cropped for anonymity. No, this is not a photo...
  10. postcardception

    This is the postcard from a fictional world that we made in groups during our last Digital Storytelling class. My group had the idea to use the movie Inception and make a postcard within a postcard within a postcard. You...
  11. all you need is positivity

    I firmly believe that positive thinking leads to positive things happening. Part of being positive is making the most out of any situation and always seeing the good in everything, which is something I try to do every day. There’s...
  12. i could go on

    A list of topics that I could easily turn into a week-long symposium Summer Finn from (500) Days of Summer is not a bitch The Social Network is a work of genius Why it is always a better idea to...
  13. tdc week 4

    TDC #29: Take a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way Taken during the DS106 photoblitz in Dupont Hall. TDC #30: Share an image of a place that you lose things in your house I don’t...
  14. the making of…

    …the go-getter For a Digital Storytelling visual assignment, I made animations from the movie The Go-Getter. I chose this movie because I like the unusual story it told and the unique way the movie brought the two characters, Kate and...
  15. the go-getter

    The film opens with Mercer, dealing with the recent death of his mother, stealing a car to find his long-lost brother. He finds a cell phone in the car that he stole, and he starts talking to the owner of...
  16. tiny stories

    This is a review from The Rumpus of The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories: Volume 1 by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his open-collaborative production company, hitRECord. I thought this was a good example of creative storytelling, relevant to Digital Storytelling class....
  17. superstitions

    11:11. Sometimes I don’t even wish, I just feel like catching 11:11 on the clock is good luck. I pick up pennies that are heads up. For pennies that aren’t heads up, I flip them over without picking them completely...
  18. pretty in pink

    I took this picture while sitting outside Snap, a little French restaurant in DC that sells crepes and bubble tea. I noticed that across the street was the cutest cotton candy-colored house I’d ever seen. The pink door was especially...
  19. the 488th day of summer

    The scene featured in the animation above is from (500) Days of Summer, which is one of my favorite movies. It tells a realistic story in a hopeful way. So many movies about love either have a cliche romcom ending...
  20. things i learned today

    mySQL databases can be fun. Weekends and weekdays are so very separate they may as well be different worlds. I have no idea how to code in Objective-C. Sometimes in life, there will be people that you can’t possibly get...
  21. you can do anything

    A Saturday Night Live skit that provides a commentary on what the internet has done to our generation Will edit with thoughts later. Most likely.
  22. storytime

    I used storify to tell my story. Storify is a site that let’s you create your own news article and publish it online. Going along with my previous post about Web 2.0, I decided to tell a story of very...
  23. web two point oh

    One of the most important things about Web 2.0 is the sharing of information and immediacy of it all. The internet has turned into a very interactive experience that engages every user in some way through blogging, tweeting, googling, vlogging,...
  24. a short film

    …about what happens when the break-up happens but the break does not. Some Boys Don’t Leave | 2009 Directed by Maggie Kiley Starring Jesse Eisenberg and Eloise Mumford I really love this short film and wanted to share it. Watching...
  25. tdc week 3

    TDC #22: Take a photo of two related objects of drastically different sizes I had my little sister, Mia, help with this one. TDC #26: Take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day you’re having My...
  26. my day in random thoughts

    Mmmmm I love my bed. I could serenade my bed with a rendition of Never Gonna Leave This Bed by Maroon 5. 63°?! I’m not even going to try to follow what’s going on in this class. Ooh “#top5meangirlsquotes” is...
  27. online identity crisis

    What surprised me the most after reading A Personal Cyberinfrastructure by Gardner Campbell and watching his talk, No Digital Facelifts, was discovering that I actually have pretty strong opinions about the internet and online world. As a Computer Information Systems...
  28. tdc week 2

    TDC #17: Show us your keychain and tell us about the keys and things you have on it. In this video, I talk about the things on my keychain. Notable moments: my time turner from the Wizarding World of Harry...
  29. tdc week 1

    TDC #13: Compose a photograph that includes a “finished product” and at least one of its “raw materials” The “finished product” in this picture is the app featured on iPhone simulator on the computer screen. The “raw materials” are the...
  30. set up

    I set up this blog last week but never got around to making a post about it, which is what this is now. Two weeks into the semester and the procrastinating is well underway. First, I installed my theme and...

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