Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92706 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Some Housekeeping for ds106

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Below is the text of an email sent out to all registered users, it is just a basic confirmation for registered users, an easy way to back out, and some ds106 site housekeeping details.

If you are receiving this email then chances are you signed up for the open and online Digital Storytelling course. It should be a blast, and we are only days away from getting started. If you’ve changed your mind about this whole thing, we understand—I’ve flirted with the idea myself—and you can simply login to and delete your account. Here’s a quick tutorial ( If you have any problems, send me an email at [email protected]

In the meantime, this might be a good time to take care of some housekeeping details for the site.

1) Updating your ds106 Profile

You might want to login to the site and update your directory information if you haven’t yet. This includes a link to your blog, twitter account, YouTube, Flickr, etc. You can do this by following this tutorial:

2) Syndicating Posts into ds106 Site

The following link leads to a list of blogs that have been added to the ds106 blogroll, but have not yet been syndicated into the ds106 site. The possible reasons that they have not been syndicated yet are either because there is not yet a ds106 specific post, or the tag you will be using for your ds106 posts has not yet been specified. If you haven’t yet, take a moment to look at the list and see if your blog url is listed. If it is, create a test post for ds106 on your blog with the appropriate tag, and then note you’ve done this next to your blog URL on the wiki page—and please include the tag you are using.
If you do not see your blog in the blogroll on the front page of, then chances are you have not added your blog URL using the form in the sidebar on the front page of ds106. If you can, take a moment and do that now so that your posts can be syndicated into the blog.

3) Subscribing to ds106
Finally, you have a couple of options for subscribing to the ds106 posts.
a) You can simply subscribe to the blog RSS feed, which will give you a ready made OPML bundle of all the blogs being syndicated. The blog feed will immediately link you back to the actual blog post, not the site, which makes it convenient. What’s more, given we are filtering by tag in most cases, you will only see those posts that are ds106 relevant.
b) You can also opt for a ds106 daily digest sent to you via email.  You need to be registered on the site for this option to work, and after that you just opt-in. To do this, follow the brief instructions here:
OK, that’s it for now, and sometime in the next two or three days there will be another email with specific information about the course. Specifically, a rough syllabus and calendar, some approaches to assignments, tech details for setting up your own site (stop being a digital sharecropper!), and some more formal introductions.
So until then, stay beautiful.


  1. carol

    January 10, 2011

    I am registered and have made the blogroll OK …what did not happen was receipt of the email you mention. I am wondering what might have caused this …


  2. Jay Mair

    January 10, 2011

    I have, hopefully added a post in my blog with a tag ds106, hopefully that all works now. I will have to make sure that I keep an eye on dates and time as we are around 10 hours ahead of you guys.

    • Reverend

      January 11, 2011


      You are all set, I pulled in your post just now. And it should be public shortly.

      • Lara Jensen

        January 17, 2011

        Hi Jim,
        I seem to be having the opposite issue. “All” my blog posts are being pulled in even those not tagged with ds106. I’m fairly certain that I put the feed tag in when I added my site. Is there any way that I can double-check and change that?

        If that’s not the issue, any suggestions?

  3. Jen M

    January 19, 2011

    Jim- do you know of any other good examples of MOOCs going on? I’m doing a presentation on getting a school staff collaborating and wanted to talk about the concept of MOOCs. I have ds106 as one of the examples.

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