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30 Sec Intro

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I bought my lil MG Midget in the summer of 2009 from a co-workers husband.  It didn’t need all that much, new tires, rebuild the carburetor, etc.   I got it home and started cleaning it up.

The last thing to check was the rod bearings on the number 2 rod.  I got finished, tightened the bolts, and turned the key.  IT RAN!!!

It took me about 3 weeks to get to this point, I was so excited.  About a week later, the engine started making a funky noise, and all of sudden, CRASH, CLANK, BANG.  The number 1 rod shot out the side of the engine block, leaving me with a worthless 400lb piece of cast iron sitting under the bonnet of my lil car.

And that……is how it all began.  I’m now in the middle of a full blown restoration, including a new motor, new transmission,  the works!

I can’t wait to get my LBC back together and on the road.

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