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Final Project?

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So, we are supposed to be thinking about what we want to do for a final project… I am terrible at planning things ahead! I always procrastinate and do things as last minute as possible. I saw a couple guys who are thinking of doing a longboarding video, and I think that would be an awesome project to be a part of because I love longboarding, but I can’t just invite myself into their group haha. I had my own idea today, something that might be too much of a stretch for me but it’s something that I have always had a huge interest in learning: Stop Motion videos!! I saw this video back in high school and I thought it was seriously amazing.

Tony vs. Paul

If I can accumulate the proper equipment and knowledge to make even the shittiest stop motion video I think I will be satisfied. I have a friend at VCU who has made a couple so I think this could definitely be a possibility for me.

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