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Street View Story: Barney Rubbles Troubles

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The year is 2525. The prime minister of England was planned to make an important announcement on national television. Barney Rubble and the rest of his fellow Englanders were waiting anxiously for the Prime ministers announcement. Barney worked as a caretaker of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. The night before, Barney had a little too much to drink and had woken up in a dumpster. Once he pulled the banana peels out of his pocket he ran home to listen to the Prime Minster’s message. When he turned on his TV the minster was already halfway into his speech. Barney then learned that the minster has planned to destroy St. Paul’s Cathedral and put in a Water Park in its place. Everyone knows that Englanders hate old churches like St. Paul’s and love water slides. Barney was ecstatic when he heard the news but then he remembered that he would lose his job. Barney had a choice to make, either allows the water park to be built and have fun for the rest of his life or save the cathedral and his job. Barney then realized that he was an old wrinkly man and he didn’t think anyone would want to see him in a bathing suit. He would try to save the cathedral. The day of the demolition Barney hijacked the wrecking ball machine thing and proceeded to destroy downtown London. He drove the machine to Buckingham place and took out the Prime Ministers office. Soon an angry mob started chasing the machine luckily Barney had a wrecking ball and scared everyone away. St Paul’s was saved and Barney was elected new prime minister due to his impressive wrecking ball skills.

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