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Final Project Brainstorm

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I may not be too good with computers, but I do love the interweb.  I’m not sure what is really realistic for a project (considering resources needed ie. the tech) but I do find things on the internet amusing.  For example:

Autotune – I believe you can do this with Audacity.  I love “Auto-tune the News” on YouTube (  However, I have no idea how to use it.  Part of the project could be my process of learning it, though.

Webcomics – self explained, but I don’t know if I have enough creativity to actually make it worthwhile. My favorite:

Picture-a-day montage things – These were really popular a little while a go.  It would be a series of pictures of a subject made into a video (simpsons did a spoof on it: and here’s the original:  If I could grow a beard, I totally would record that but sadly, ladies cannot.

Things I like on the non-internet that I would not mind integrating somehow into a final project.

Rugby – sport I play and love

Fitness – and in general, I like fitness, working out, blah blah blah

Competitive eating – I built a database for this in another CPSC course, no lie.  It was awesome.

Goodwill shopping – Oh the things (esp. the sweaters) you find there…

I’ll keep thinking on this.

edited 2/10/11

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