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The radio is not just music

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The first 30 minute radio I listened to was Bonaroo Radio.  During this radio show their music in the background made me feel very very calm.  The music really low playing with their voices really draws you in.  Great job with these sound effects guys!  I also think the part about September 11th was very interesting and all the information in general about all the bands was very interesting.  This group knew their information very well.  I think the set up of introducing a band, playing one of their songs, and then having a small discussion on that band was a great order or a radio.  It kept me engaged and wanting to listen more.  Sometimes though I felt like I could barely hear the song and it was not long enough to see how I feel about it.  Also, the music was a little loud over you interviews at certain times.  Overall though the discussion you guys held while on the radio were very natural and not awkward or seemed planned at all.  I think this group did a great job and I definitely am convinced to go now ha.

The second thirty minute radio I listened to was the ZOMBIE one.  This radio show FANTASTIC sound effects.  There is A LOT of sound effects in this radio show sometimes it is over whelming but this radio show inspires me for the effort that I wish I had put into our radio show with the sound effects.  Sometimes the sound effects were a bit confusing and I was confused as to what was going on though.  Thriller played forever and I am confused as to why.  Great sound effects overall though everything related to zombies that is amazing ha.  The diary of the girl was really funny.

After listening to the radio shows I think everyone did a great job.  As we did ours we really struggled with a good idea that would grab peoples attentions.  So, we went with a topic that effects a majority of students on campus and talked about parking and food.  I think our topic decision was great and our interviews were even better.  I think maybe a little more sound effects rather than just the beginning intro music and ending music we did was probably needed.  I think that maybe we all should have interviewed maybe 2 people and made them shorter interviewers rather than 1 person for a long time because like professor said it started to drag on a little at times.  One thing we struggled with with making our radio show was the converting parts.  Trying to put both interviews from my partner and my interview onto one audacity file was a bit confusing.  We had to first convert both of theirs to WAV files and then add them into audacity but unfortunately one of the groups members computers were broken and they had saved theirs as an mp3.  So we researched a mp3 to WAV converter and downloaded one for free.  We then found a way to add all our interviews to one audacity file.  Overall I really enjoyed this project, honestly at first I felt like I was not going to enjoy this but towards the end as we were listening to our whole radio show I was amazed at what we had just made and excited about my new abilities to do so much with audio recording.  I really enjoyed completing this project.

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