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This assignment was so much fun!   I had a blast.  I see stuff like his all the time.  Two that I’ve seen recently were both on the Fail Blog ( were one with the whole Star Wars crew bashing on each other, and another I saw was depicting God talking to Adam and Eve on Facebook.  I never knew how to do it though.  That is……….. until ds106.   So Here’s my screen shot:

Suggga Chic

Like I said, I had a blast. Here’s a link to my screen shot on Flickr:, and another link to the actual page created on my host server: I hope everyone enjoyed my web story, and I’m looking forward to seeing what other have come up with for their own.

Whoever created the original Peep Diorama deserves credit for dreaming it up, all I did was recreate the comments and surrounding text to make it a “webstory”.  Also, many thanks to Sam for all the pointers and tips as I worked through this.  I will definitely be playing with this in the future to see what else I can come up with and will share, of course.


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