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Dear future ds106ers,

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so if you’re wondering about digital storytelling, be prepared to invest in your work. I took digital storytelling because 1) I’m a computer science major, and I was like, “oh, CPSC title!”, and 2) because I dreaded having to meet a music/art GenEd requirement… and I’ll tell you that I was not expecting to put forth the effort that this course requires. however, that’s not an entirely negative statement, my opinion is weighed down by some personal issues I dealt with during a group assignment that pretty much destroyed the whole “group” effort, and each of the members ended up completing the project individually… so don’t take that as, “the workload is overwhelming, and you should run.” although it is a lot of work, it’s extremely interesting. when you’re in the middle of it you’re like, “omgosh, I have no idea what’s going on or how I’m going to get this done, this is the biggest pain in my ass and I want to scream.” but then you reach the end of the semester, as I am now, and you look back on all the projects you suffered through and you’re like holy hell… how freaking cool. so, despite how strong my dislike is for Radio (that group assignment I mentioned previously; oh, don’t worry, you’ll get to have the experience for yourself in jusssst a few weeks), which, by the way, I would say was the most difficult thing, at least for me personally – not so much the assignment, but the whole failed group effort thing, that overall… it’s a worth it to take this course. a definite recommendation I’d have for you, which is also what I would have done differently if I were to retake the course, is: NOT TO PROCRASTINATE… surprising, right? not… why couldn’t we just have a major in Procrastination available, because it seems to be what 90% of us are great at. but seriously, the more you’re like, “I don’t feel like doing this because the thought of doing it already irritates me…” and you continue having a negative outlook and putting it off (like I did with radio, and few assignments after because of the discouragement), it’s just going to make it harder on you. the assignments really aren’t impossible – we wouldn’t have survived if they were, and there are resources available to you if you’re having serious trouble… not to mention the instructors are extremely understanding and helpful (I should know, I’ve visited Martha mannnnyyyy times this semester, and not always in the most cheerful spirit). It can be intimidating, but just jump right it – you’ll be fine. :)

– Kaylee

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