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Ken and Barbie are Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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While looking for inspiration for my mash-up, I found this Disney/Mean Girls mash-up. I think this mash-up is really well-done…it’s so funnytoo!  Take a look:

I did lots of brainstorming on what to do for my mash-up. I kept wanting to put two happy things together but knew that wouldn’t alter the meaning of either form of media. I love Disney’s Pixar so I searched Toy Story 3  in YouTube. I found a  compilation of the Ken and Barbie scenes from Toy Story 3, which was perfect for pulling clips from. Then I found  the trailer for the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I started exploding with ideas on how to mash the  two  together. To much frustration however, my iMovie kept freezing and would lose all of my work! I’m not sure if it’s because I have an older version or what, but this happened four times! Nonetheless I finally completed my mash-up.  Here  it is:

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