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Charlie Sheen: The New Chuck Norris

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So after going back and forth with one of my coworkers, we decided to make Charlie Sheen the subject of our ridicule just to pass the time. We made Charlie Sheen jokes.

Chuck Norris Jokes:
Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with barbed wire
Chuck Norris could win a staring contest with the sun

Charlie Sheen Jokes:
Charlie Sheen is so strong he drinks the blood of a tiger and killed 2 and a half men.

Ever woken up feeling like Charlie Sheen? Your hair is a mess? You have a bad taste in your mouth? You’re looking at the mirror and can’t help but notice your eyes are squinted? You slapped a bitch? You have a pounding headache? And you’re just mad at the world?…

Now that I think of it, maybe Ke$ha and Charlie Sheen are good together. They’re both crazy drunks.

I really hope you enjoyed my randomness. I hope to post something actually good very soon.

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