Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Moving and/or Archiving your ds106 Work

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Before you go any further—backup everything!!! Here is how.

Option 1) Moving your blog to a freely hosted solution:
Did I mention backup everything?

In your WordPress Blog export all your work by going to….


After that, Setup new blog on, blogger, umwblogs, etc.

Once you have created a new site, go to….


(This will be different in Blogger, see Ed’s tutorial here.)

After that all your posts, pages, and comments should import cleanly.

You need to check to see if the images still link to the old site or the new one. This is essential, if your images, videos, audio, etc. do not work in your new blog your archive will not be considered complete.

Option 2) Moving your work to a new server:
This is a two step process:

a) You need to backup everything on your existing web hosting to your local disk (always the first step).

Then download all of your folders and files to your desktop locally. Also, you will need to manually download your SQL files for your applications.

Also, go to your WordPress blog(s) and export the work. Go to…


b) Then you need to get a new hosting service, some options: Bluehost, Dreamhost, etc.

You can still use your existing domain name if you’d like by pointing it to the new nameservers provided by your new host through the Godaddy interface.

After the new host is setup up, you should use Fantastico or simple scripts to create the a new WordPress blogs in the same space directory space you had them on the original webhosting setup.

For example,

Once you have created a new blog in the same space, login and import your old blog:

Tools –> Import

c) After that, you will need to upload your exitisng theme and plugins to this new blog via the file manager in CPanel or via FTP.

You can find your old theme and plugin in the wp-content/themes and wp-content/plugins folders.

Also, you can simply upload the index.html file you have created to the root of your public html files for that to work (along with any associated files like images).

Important note: If you are uploading your work to a new domain on a new server, you will have to check to see if the links and images are still working after the import.

Adding your archive blog URL to your ds106 profile

After you have finished either option one or two you will need to add the new URL for your archived blog to your ds106 profile. Additionally, it’s a good time to add the URLs for any of the social networking sites like Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, or anything else you didn’t update in your profile.

Make sure your blog is successfully archived and that you added your new URLs to your ds106 member profile. This will be the last thing I check before I put in your grades, if it is not done correctly I will not submit your grade until it is!.

Once you have finished the archiving process, write a post on your old blog stating as much and tag this assignment “archiveit” (no quotes). be sure to keep your old blog up and running until at least Monday, July 25th.

To cancel your account with Cast Iron Coding, simply send an email to telling them you are finished with ds106 and would like to cancel your account.


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  1. Weeks 14-15: Fandom, Archiving, and Wrap-Up | bavatuesdays04-19-11
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  3. ds106 live broadcast 7-18-11: Press Conference with Detective Kim Droom | bavatuesdays07-19-11

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